Today's Paper | June 03, 2024

Published 07 Jan, 2007 12:00am

Pakistan backs Iran’s N-plan

TEHRAN, Jan 6: Pakistan Muslim League (PML) secretary-general Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed has reiterated that Pakistan fully supports Iran's peaceful nuclear programme.

He was talking to Alaeddin Boroujerdi, head of Iran’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, on Saturday.

The two sides discussed issues of mutual interests, Irna reported, quoting the commission’s press bureau.

Senator Sayed said the dispute between Iran and the West over the former’s peaceful nuclear programme should be resolved under the supervision of IAEA and any action against Iranian national interest should be avoided.

“Pakistan supports transfer of Iranian gas via Pakistan,” he said, adding that the new contract for laying gas pipelines would open a new chapter in friendly ties between the two countries.

Increase in poppy cultivation in Afghanistan would be dangerous for both Iran and Pakistan, he said, calling for serious cooperation in the anti-drug campaign.

Mr Boroujerdi recalled deep-rooted and historical ties between the two countries.

He said the visit of the Pakistani parliamentary delegation to Iran would be a new step in expansion of parliamentary cooperation between the two countries.

Given the importance of energy in the world, he said Iran and Pakistan should strive to swiftly implement Iran's gas pipelines via Pakistan.

He called for restoration of peace, security and stability in Afghanistan and said it was time for Afghan people to live in peace as neighbours of Iran and Pakistan.

On Iran's nuclear programme, Mr Boroujerdi said the Iranians were determined to continue treading their path.

The US had adopted a politically-motivated stand on Iran's nuclear programme, he said, adding that the reaction of the western countries to Iran's peaceful nuclear programme created mistrust.

He said plots were being hatched by the enemies to ignite sectarian violence in Iraq. “Their goals is to weaken the Muslim world,” he said.—Online

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