Today's Paper | June 16, 2024

Published 11 May, 2024 07:31am


LACK OF FUNDS: I went to the Civil Hospital, Larkana, recently to donate blood to a close acquaintance. The last time I had been there was some three years ago, and it was for the same purpose at the same section of the hospital. In fact, I could see that things had changed a lot. However, it was depressing to observe that the change had not been for the better. The large room that used to have a good number of beds for donors was locked and a very small room with hardly a bench and two chairs was meant for the donors. On asking, we were told that the room had been locked due to lack of funds. The relevant authorities should look into the matter and resolve the matter without any further delay.

Babar Ali Khuhawar

EDUCATION CRISIS: Khuzdar in Balochistan is known as a hub of institu- tions of higher learning, but most of them are merely degree-producing factories where students are trained to merely clear semester examinations rather than do some actual learning. Traditional methods are used by most faculty members who seem more concerned about their salaries than providing productive feedback. Merit is compromised at every stage of the process. Instead of merely focussing on administration and accountability, those running the system find it enough to upload vlogs and hold photo sessions for personal promotion. Period.

Abdul Haleem

BRING PRIYA KUMARI HOME: The continued failure to recover Priya Kumari is rather disturbing. She had gone missing from Sukkur almost three years ago. The joint investigation team (JIT), constituted after the incident, has failed to find any clue. Unfortuna-tely, this reveals how broken our system is and how vulnerable our children are. Will the officials continue to sit on their administrative chairs, or will they ever actively carry out an effective search operation for Priya? The people are waiting.

Tania Shahjahan
Kamber Ali Khan

Published in Dawn, May 11th, 2024

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