Today's Paper | June 17, 2024

Published 19 Feb, 2024 07:53am

Returning migrants illegal, says Italy’s court

ROME: Italy’s top appeals court has established that sending sea migrants back to Libya is unlawful, a ruling hailed by charities and human rights groups.

The Court of Cassation up­held the conviction of the captain of an Italian towboat, Asso 28, who in 2018 rescued 101 migrants from a rubber dinghy and returned them to Libya.

The rescue took place in international waters about 105 km off Libya, the court said. Pregnant women and children were among the migrants, it added.

The captain — whose name was blacked out in the ruling for privacy reasons — was sentenced to one year’s imprisonment for the crimes of abandoning minors or incapacitated persons, and arbitrary disembarkation and abandonment of persons.

He is unlikely to go to prison, however, as in the Italian system jail terms of under four years are not normally served behind bars.

The ruling is final, upholding earlier decisions by two lower courts. It was filed on Feb 1, but was publicised by Italian media over the weekend.

Italy and other European governments have taken an increasingly hard line on immigration in recent years, amid a swell in support for right-wing parties that want strict curbs on sea arrivals from North Africa. The Libya to Italy crossing is one of the most-used sea migration routes.

“Now there is also a judicial precedent that confirms what we have been saying for years: Libya is not a safe country”, the Mediterranea Saving Humans migrant rescue group said on X.

The Italian office of Amnesty International also hailed the verdict, and criticised the government for cooperating with Libyan authorities on migration.

“Pushing people back to Libya and collaborating with the so-called (Libyan) coast guard conflicts with the duty to bring rescued people to a safe place”, it said.

Under international humanitarian law, migrants cannot be forcibly returned to countries where they risk serious ill-treatment, and widespread migrant abuse has been extensively documented in Libya.

140 rescued

Meanwhile, officials in France said rescue boats saved nearly 140 people who got into difficulty while attempting the perilous Channel crossing to England.

In one incident on Saturday, five people, including a four-month-old baby, had to be saved from drowning after their boat sank off Boulogne, officials in the Pas-de-Calais coastal region said. Most of the people were saved in two major operations.

In one incident, coastguard officials rescued 57 people who had set off from Gravelines late Saturday after their vessel got into difficulty.

And a boat carrying 75 migrants had to be towed back to safety after they sent out a distress call.

In 2023, around 36,000 people risked the dangerous cross-Channel journey from the north coast of France to try to reach England illegally.

Published in Dawn, February 19th, 2024

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