Today's Paper | June 02, 2024

Published 05 Feb, 2024 01:56pm

READ: Political parties’ manifestos — Heavy on rhetoric, light on concrete plans

The manifestos released recently by the three major contenders for power — PML-N, PTI and PPP — reflect little understanding and comprehension of the grave economic challenges by their leaders, who are aspiring to lead the country for the next five years. All three documents are heavy on rhetoric but light on concrete plans and strategies to achieve the goals set in the manifestos.

On top of that, these parties have opted to make populist announcements rather than explain the gravity of the economic crisis to their voters and prepare them for tough decisions they will have to make to fix it.

For example, the PML-N, whose leadership takes credit for ‘development’ and building a vast network of motorways and roads, has pledged 10 million jobs, enhanced public wages to match inflation and reduced electricity bills. The PPP has promised to double salaries, provide free electricity up to 300 units, give jobs to the youth and provide subsidies to alleviate the burden of inflation.

Read the full story from Dawn’s Nasir Jamal here.

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