Today's Paper | June 09, 2024

Published 20 Aug, 2023 07:39am



Neem | Hum TV, Mondays 8.00pm

The story picks up pace as each of the protagonists is forced to make difficult decisions that will alter the entire trajectory of their future. Many were vying for beautiful, educated and from-a-good-family Zymel’s (Mawra Hocane) hand. But when she is declared infertile, Shahzil (Arsalan Naseer), who had promised to love her forever, calls her damaged and her condition a burden he must bear.

Zymel is a practical girl, and does not spend too much time wallowing in self-pity. She even finds her irritating husband a new wife within an episode, and an orphan to adopt at equally breakneck speed. Hussain is in her element showing Zymel’s more vulnerable side, but also in her strength at working past her “problems”; though it does seem to betray a lack of emotional attachment.

Naseer is good, keeping his antagonism restrained and understandable, so never crossing into villainy. The more interesting track, of Ashad’s (XXXX) life as an immigrant in the US, progresses to a paper marriage with an American woman, who will be a handful to take care of. Rana Majid and Ameer Gilani are a pleasure to watch, bringing some rare authenticity to a story set outside Pakistan. Both writer Kashif Anwar and director Shehzad Kashmiri deserve credit for weaving a modern story with diverse characters and tracks into a serial that is an ideal binge-watch.

Mujhay Qabool Nahin | Geo TV, Wednesdays 8.00pm

Marriage or bonded labour? Mahira (Madiha Imam) and her sister Mishal (Sidra Niazi) are wed to their cousins in a family arrangement at a very early age. While Mishal is happy with Arsalan (Osama Tahir), Mahira faces both financial and psychological abuse from Salman (Sami Khan).

Salman is a good-for-nothing, who lives life on the edge by manipulating people. His main aim is to stay at home while Mahira works. Athir (Ahsan Khan) is Mahira’s boss who falls in love with her and tries to give her the confidence to break free of Salman’s cruel grip. Salman enjoys the power he holds over Mahira, and forces her to work for Athir, hoping to blackmail and make financial gains.

This is a chilling story of a woman suffocated by cultural expectations. This is going to be a long ride of painful disappointments before anything gets better, because this is what gets ratings. Good performances from the leads are holding the viewers’ interest but fewer episodes and more focus on Mahira’s empowerment would make it more watchable.

Siyaah: Lutrum Putrum | Green TV, Saturdays 8.00pm

For those who enjoy their evil with a twist of humour and a sprinkle of the supernatural, relax and fall down the rabbit hole of horror comedy series Siyaah. Nabeel (Osman Khalid Butt) is happily married to Sidra (Areeba Tirmizi) who has become a little psychotic and controlling since her bout with Covid-19. Every day is a test of nerves as he watches her play with large threatening knives and asks him to remember anniversaries.

Enter, Nabeel’s friend Raja, who has turned his wife into an obedient robot with the help of another friend who controls djinns. When Nabeel tries this on Sidra, it works for a while but then the software begins to malfunction. The show is full of twists and selfish characters, of whom the nicest seems to be the djinn. Is there a deeper subtext on the state of modern romance and marriage? No, but it is funny in parts.

What To Watch Out For (or not)

Jannat Se Aagay | Geo TV, Coming soon

The story is of a covetous, middle-class girl played by Ramsha Khan who develops an unhealthy obsession with morning show host Jannat (Kubra Khan)..

Published in Dawn, ICON, August 20th, 2023

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