Today's Paper | June 16, 2024

Published 18 May, 2023 07:21am

Pildat urges both sides to end political impasse through talks

• Says defenders of Pakistan deserve unwavering public respect
• Cautions against military trial of civilians
• PBC demands expeditious trial of rioters

ISLAMABAD: While highlighting urgent need for resumption of a result-oriented political dialogue for holding elections across the country, the Pakistan Institute of Legislative Development and Transparency (Pildat) on Wednesday appreciated the Supreme Court for its continued stance supporting the resolution of political impasse.

The think tank that promotes democracy in a statement has urged both PDM coalition government and Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) to restart the dialogue that was initiated on the advice of the top court in April.

Pildat has explained the constitution provides guarantee for a well-functioning Pakistan under rule of law and all political parties and institutions of the state must respect and adhere to the constitution.

Reiterating its position that the armed forces can and should have no role in Pakistan’s political process, Pildat has also highlighted that their respect and integrity as a constitutional entity must be upheld by all citizens. The sanctity of their role, under the constitution, to defend Pakistan against external aggression or threat of war, and, in aid of civil power when called upon to do so by the federal government, deserves unwavering public respect, the statement has emphasised. In the spirit to uphold constitution, Pildat has also highlighted that any effort to pressurise any state institution, be that parliament, judiciary, or the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP), must be condemned in equal terms.

According to the statement, Pildat as an organisation of Pakistani citizens with firm belief in rule of law for all fully supports bringing to justice all perpetrators of instances instigated and carried out against the personnel and installations of the armed forces and other public and private properties on May 9.

Military trial of civilians

While it supports a free and impartial investigation, it has cautioned against the use of military courts for trying civilians.

Condemning the manner of arrest of the PTI chairman on May 9, Pildat has also underscored the need for equal application of the rule of law against those responsible for unlawful use of force on the Islamabad High Court premises while executing the arrest warrant that the Supreme Court later declared ‘invalid and unlawful’.

Without wasting precious time plunging the country into further chaos, it is now the responsibility of the federal government and the PTI to urgently restart the political dialogue to find a consensus-based date for holding free and fair general election to national and provincial assemblies on the same date, Pildat has suggested.

PBC seeks speedy trial

Meanwhile, the Pakistan Bar Council (PBC) has strongly condemned the acts of riots and arson at military installations and state buildings on May 9 in different parts of the country.

PBC vice-chairman Haroonur Rashid and executive committee chairman Hassan Raza Pasha demanded that the individuals involved in the heinous incidents, whether they were political workers or terrorists, must be tried expeditiously to prevent recurrence of such acts.

They also demanded that facilitators and instigators of these incidents should be awarded exemplary punishment since they all have brought shame to entire nation. They expressed their solidarity and support to armed forces in this regard. They also reiterated the PBC stance that all the political issues should be resolved through dialogue as per democratic norms instead of indulging further in confrontation.

Published in Dawn, May 18th, 2023

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