Today's Paper | June 02, 2024

Updated 02 Mar, 2023 11:44am

Global education leaders gather at British Council’s Schools Now! conference to discuss transformative leadership

The British Council’s annual Schools Now! conference was held in Dubai on March 1 and 2, 2023. The conference brought together education leaders and professionals from British Council’s Partner Schools worldwide to discuss the latest innovations in international education.

The Schools Now! 2023 theme, ‘Transforming Schools: Leadership at all levels,’ explored effective leadership across school communities through keynote presentations, panel discussions, and workshops. Delegates learned about the importance of developing student leaders and professional pathways to leadership.

The conference was a hybrid event with over 300 delegates attending in Dubai and 1,500 virtual attendees worldwide. This unique format allowed for an even greater exchange of ideas and insights from attendees from different regions and cultures.

Keynote speakers and workshop presenters from Pakistan, Egypt, Jordan, Nigeria, Peru, Spain, and the United Kingdom contributed to the rich and diverse discussions. The conference included special guests such as His Excellency Patrick Moody, British Ambassador to UAE, and His Excellency Dr Ahmad Belhoul Al Falasi, Minister of Education in the UAE.

Simon Higgins, Global Head of School Exams, British Council, said, “This year’s theme, Leadership at all levels, helped school leaders to reflect on the challenges they continue to face daily in a post-pandemic world and also explored ways to develop leadership throughout their school to better support staff, students, and the wider community.”

Maarya Rehman, Deputy Director British Council Pakistan said: “In Pakistan we have among the largest Partner School networks in the world with 730 schools in 53 cities divided into 6 regions across the country – delivering world class UK international qualifications. Our aim is to provide expert operational and educational support for our Partner Schools at every opportunity and at every level – making a difference to young lives in local communities across Pakistan. The Schools Now! Conference provides essential learnings to help schools develop the leaders of tomorrow.”

Over 40 delegates from Pakistan attended the event, which included senior representatives from the leading schools of Pakistan.

Globally, British Council Partner Schools work with more than 2,000 schools, support over 100,000 teachers and touch the lives of about one million students. The Schools Now! conference helps to support the mission of the British Council in building connections, understanding, and trust through education.

This content is a paid advertisement by British Council and is not associated with or necessarily reflective of the views of Dawn.com or its editorial staff.

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