Today's Paper | June 04, 2024

Published 04 Feb, 2023 08:19am

Opinion: Know your worth

While doing any work that you feel will take you a step closer towards success, have you ever found yourself surrounded with a lot of negativity and judgemental people, making you feel down?

Yes, almost every one of us faces this situation and we allow them to make us feel bad and degrade us. The major reason behind this is that we are surrounded with negativity and negative people, and we often fail to realise our own worth and get easily influenced by their behaviour. And due to that negativity, we start to believe that this is how we are, the way these negative people see us. We almost forget that our worth is not tied to what others think, and we are capable of doing lots of things well.

Just because of the negative vibes coming from our surroundings, instead of taking a step ahead, we step back. And despite all our hard work, passion and potential, we are unable to achieve our goals.

As the great scholar and poet, Jalaluddin Rumi said: “In the mountain of your body, there is a jewel. Search for it!”

And this is what we have to do.

So, have you ever thought how to overcome being influenced by negativity? We often don’t let ourselves think about it. Once we fail to achieve something, we start to believe that we are no good, we can’t do anything. We often fail to give ourselves a second chance to prove that we are worth it.

So what can we do about this? The answer is very simple — let people say what they want to, don’t pay attention to any word that demotivates you. And the most important thing is to “realise your worth’’. Make yourselves realise that you are actually worth it, and capable. You can do it, believe in yourself and have a little faith.

No one else will realise your worth, it’s you who has to. Don’t wait for anyone else to come and lift you up, for there are only a few people who would want to lift you up and help you out, while the rest are there for only spreading negativity and hatred. Lift yourself up, be your own support, appreciate your little efforts, surround yourself with positivity, always try to find good in yourself and others.

This is how life should go on. There might be many obstacles placed in your path, but how you deal with them is what makes the difference. And always remember, “The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.”

Published in Dawn, Young World, February 4th, 2023

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