Today's Paper | June 17, 2024

Published 29 Dec, 2005 12:00am

KARACHI: Journalists condemn attack on press

KARACHI, Dec 28: A joint meeting of the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), Karachi Union of Journalists (KUJ), Sindhi Media Forum (SMF) and Karachi Press Club, held on Wednesday, condemned the recent incidents of attack on newspaper offices and burning of newspapers, and appealed to people of Sindh to show tolerance towards newspapers and journalists.

The meeting, presided over by PFUJ Secretary General Mazhar Abbas, was attended by the KPC President Sabihuddin Ghousi, SMP chief Shah Mahmood, KUJ General Secretary Nizam Siddiqui, former editor of the Sindhi daily Khabroon Zaheer Mirani and all those journalists who have resigned from the newspaper in protest against the publication of the information ministry’s pro-Kalabagh Dam advertisement.

The meeting was of the unanimous view that attack on newspapers and journalists was an attack on the profession and freedom of expression, and said that the journalist community would not remain silent over such actions.

“The resignation by the entire staff of the Sindhi daily — from editor to helper — is an unprecedented incident in the Press history of Pakistan, which itself shows how touchy the dam issue is,” the meeting observed.

It paid tribute to the journalists who have resigned and decided to look for alternative jobs for them.

The meeting decided to convene a meeting of politicians, nationalist leaders and people from other walks of life on Friday (January 6) at the KPC to promote tolerance in society.

The meeting also condemned the federal ministry of information for, what it called. “misuse of public money against public interest through highly controversial advertisements.”

It appealed to the APNS and CPNE to take notice of the decision taken by the management of a daily newspaper for approaching court in support of the Kalabagh Dam, and thus trying to become a party on a political issue.

“Such a move has seriously threatened security of the journalists and other workers of the newspapers in Sindh,” it asserted.—PPI

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