Today's Paper | June 17, 2024

Published 23 Dec, 2005 12:00am

Iraqi opposition rejects election results

BAGHDAD, Dec 22: Thirty-five Iraqi political groups, including secular Shias and Sunnis, on Thursday rejected early results announced in the wake of last week’s general election, and called for an international probe into alleged vote-rigging.

The groups included the main Sunni coalition, a secular Shia bloc headed by former prime minister Iyad Allawi, and the National Congress headed by former minister Ahmed Chalabi.

“We totally reject the results of these rigged elections and call for the cancellation of the early results” announced by the electoral commission, a joint statement said.

They also demanded an international investigation into ‘violations and irregularities that have marred the electoral process’.

The Dec 15 general election, the third poll this year, was held to elect a full four-year parliament.

Early results suggest religious Shia parties will have a large majority in the new parliament.

RUMSFELD IN BAGHDAD: US Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld warned on Thursday that ensuring democracy and stability in Iraq would take time, as he flew into Baghdad on a surprise visit.

He appeared to hint however at a possible reduction of US forces that invaded the country in March 2003 to oust Saddam Hussein and establish a government elected by the people.

“The Iraqi people who are involved in this process are relatively new to the political process. It will take them some time I suspect,” Mr Rumsfeld said following historic parliamentary polls one week ago.—AFP

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