Today's Paper | June 17, 2024

Published 30 Nov, 2005 12:00am

Aziz backs self-rule in Valley

LAHORE, Nov 29: Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz said on Tuesday that Pakistan supported demilitarization and self-governance in Kashmir in an effort to bring its long-standing dispute with India to an end.

“Pakistan is a peace-loving country and desires a peaceful resolution of the Kashmir issue according to aspirations of the Kashmiri people,” the prime minister told reporters after attending a ground-breaking ceremony of the Balloki power plant in Kasur district.

Mr Aziz conceded that Kashmir was a complicated issue but said various proposals had been being discussed for a solution acceptable to all the three stakeholders.

He said Pakistan supported the proposals of demilitarization and self-governance in Kashmir for resolution of the issue.

About the opening of five crossing points on the Line of Control, he said the initiative of President Pervez Musharraf would help Kashmiris on both sides of the LoC to interact.

About the opposition parties’ response to the parliamentary committee for relief and rehabilitation, he expressed the hope that matters pertaining to the terms of reference of the parliamentary committee would be sorted out in an atmosphere of understanding and accommodation. —APP

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