Today's Paper | June 16, 2024

Published 17 Nov, 2005 12:00am

Chance for Kashmir settlement: Musharraf: $1bn Saab deal not finalized

RAWALPINDI, Nov 16: Last month’s earthquake is a chance for India and Pakistan to reach a “final solution” to their long-standing dispute over Kashmir, President Pervez Musharraf said on Wednesday.

But India also needed to grasp the opportunity as “you don’t clap with one hand”, Gen Musharraf said in Rawalpindi at a press conference.

He said that since areas on both sides of Line of Control had suffered, “I think it is an occasion which should be utilised to reach out for a solution of the Kashmir dispute.

“I only hope that both sides have realised that a permanent, final solution of Kashmir is more possible now because Kashmir has been affected,” he said.

Speaking about financial aid Gen Musharraf urged the world to show survivors same generosity it did after the Indian Ocean tsunami and Hurricane Katrina.

While praising foreign help during the rescue and relief phase after the earthquake, Gen Musharraf complained of “negligible amounts” received so far for rebuilding against the outpouring of support seen in the wake of the tsunami and Katrina, which ravaged the southern US coast.

“I will leave it to individual countries to think how much they paid there and how much they have given to Pakistan,” said Gen Musharraf.

“We seek assistance from international community because I don’t think Pakistan can go it alone,” Gen Musharraf said, adding that the costs were higher because of difficulties posed by the terrain and harshness of the winter in the Himalayan region.

DEFENCE SYSTEM: Pakistan has yet to give a final go-ahead to a $1 billion purchase of an airborne surveillance system from Swedish firms Saab and Ericsson, Gen Musharraf said.

Defence group Saab said it and Ericsson had won the order worth more than 8 billion crowns ($1 billion).

The system includes Saab 2000 turboprop aircraft equipped with airborne radar from Ericsson. Saab has said important conditions remain to be settled for the contract, of which Ericsson will have a third.

“We haven’t decided it as yet. I need to look into it,” Gen Musharraf said in response to a question whether there would be any delay in the deal.

KOFI ANNAN: The president hoped that besides UN Secretary General Kofi Anan, the conference would be well attended by the representatives of donor countries and International Financial Institutions (IFI).

He told the newsmen that the United Nations, ADB, the World Bank and the government have together reached a consensus figure of around $5.1 billion for reconstruction and rehabilitation.

This includes $3.5 billion for reconstruction, $1.5 billion for sustaining the ongoing relief efforts throughout the next year and $100 million for rehabilitation.

President Musharraf said he would ask for financial assistance and sponsorship of construction of houses and infrastructure in the areas of Azad Kashmir and NWFP, decimated by the quake.

He hoped that the donors’ conference would help raise the required assistance, saying, many world leaders had spoken to them and their response was very positive.—Agencies

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