Today's Paper | June 04, 2024

Published 14 Nov, 2021 07:13am

Underpaid, overworked

IF industrialists are an aircraft’s control panel, and their products are accelerators and brakes, then labourers are the engines that run the aircraft. Unless the engines are fine-tuned and their rings and pistons remain in good shape, pressing the accelerator will only result in throwing out unburnt fuel.

Sadly, labourers in Pakistan, the engine of the aircraft, are underpaid and compelled to work overtime, indicating less-than-required maintenance and, consequently, a struggling set of rings and pistons. Does it make sense to keep pressing the accelerator? Indeed, will the man on the control panel really be able to make the aircraft glide and fly in the desired direction at the desired height?

Technically, working 40 hours a week is the standard set by the Fair Labour Standards Act (FLSA). If someone does more work than 40-45 hours in a week, it causes negative impact and results in stress. Long work hours could lead to fatigue and lack of attentiveness. In turn, performance levels go down. And the low wages take the motivation level down all the time. Together, the two elements present nothing but a recipe for disaster for all concerned.

The wages of industrial labourers must be augmented to free them from the compulsion of doing overtime. Without serious steps, things will not change.

Abdul Wahab

Published in Dawn, November 14th, 2021

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