Today's Paper | June 14, 2024

Published 13 Sep, 2005 12:00am

Skardu cadet college principal removed

SKARDU, Sept 12: The principal of Skardu Cadet College, Col Khalid Sharif, has been removed from his post allegedly for instigating religious disharmony and mistreatment of students and teachers.

Lt-Col Syed Safdar Ali Kazmi has been deputed as acting commandant of the college, sources told Dawn here on Monday.

The decision was taken at a meeting of the board of governors of the college after protests by the student against the principal. Chief Secretary Northern Areas and chairman of the board Nadeem Manzoor presided over the meeting.

The participants of the meeting condemned the unfair attitude of the principal.

Nadeem Manzoor told the meeting that he had been receiving complaints against Col Sharif. “Therefore, soon after my arrival in Skardu, I called Col Khalid Sharif and advised him to keep his attitude malleable and maintain the sanctity of the institution, but it was in vain and an obnoxious incident occurred in the college.”

Earlier, the students of the college came out of the classes and started protesting against the attitude of the college commandant raising slogans against him.

They held the college commandant hostage and locked up the college gate.

Meanwhile, Commander 62 Brigade Brig Iqbal Aasi held negotiation with the protestors. According to the students, Col Khalid Sharif used to misbehave students and the teachers, and he had been providing stale food to them that caused stomach problem to several students.

“Col Khalid Sharif was also provoking religious disharmony among students which was unbearable and that was the reason that we were forced to arise against him,” they said.

The students demanded removal of Col Sharif immediately.

On the assurance of Brig Aasi, the students called off the protest.

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