Today's Paper | June 03, 2024

Published 27 Feb, 2020 07:48am

From The Past Pages Of Dawn: 1970: Fifty Years Ago: Bengal’s majority

MADARIPUR: Mr Nurul Amin, chief of Pakistan Democratic Party, said here yesterday [Feb 25] that the interest of the people of Bengal was linked up with the existence of Pakistan.

Addressing a public meeting he said that in Pakistan the Bengalees have a majority and therefore, they were destined to provide leadership to the country. He thought that the impact of Bengal’s majority is bound to influence the politics in the country. He said if Pakistan lived then Bengalees had nothing to fear.

Recalling the basis on which Pakistan was established, Mr Nurul Amin in his 25 minutes speech said that it was not true to say that Islam had nothing to do with achieving Pakistan. He said the Muslim of the sub-continent was forced to demand a separate State owing to the exploitation of the masses by the British imperialism on the one hand and the Hindu Zamindars, mahajans on the other hand.

The PDP chief said even today the exploitations have not ended though we were no longer under foreign imperialist power. Today the exploitation was in the form of huge loans that Pakistan had been obliged to incur on the terms dictated by the loan giving countries.

Mr Nurul Amin asserted that democracy was the only solution to problems now confronting the country. Because in a democracy, he said, the people would be able to elect their own Government which would be responsible to them.

He recalled his experience of 1965 general elections in East Pakistan and said that the people finally succeeded in ousting Ayub Khan from the seat of the Government.

Appealing to the people to join the Pakistan Democratic Party, he said PDP at the moment was the only party which had roots in both the Wings of the country. A party which could command respect and confidence all over the country could also solve the problems being faced by the country, he added. — Agency

Published in Dawn, February 27th, 2020

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