Today's Paper | June 15, 2024

Published 01 Aug, 2005 12:00am

Meeting today on Punjab Games

LAHORE, July 31: An important meeting to be chaired by Punjab Chief Minister Chaudhry Pervez Elahi will be held on Monday to take decisions about organizing the second India-Pakistan Punjab Games.

Punjab Olympic Association president Syed Shahid Ali and secretary Idrees Hyder Khawaja will also attend the meeting and brief the chief minister about the arrangements made so far.

The Games are scheduled to be held in Lahore and Faisalabad from Dec 24 to 30.

The meeting will also give final shape to the opening and closing ceremonies.

The Games’ first edition was held in Patiala, Indian Punjab in December last.

Punjab chief minister Chaudhry Pervez Elahi had inaugurated the first Games and now the chief minister of Indian Punjab will be the chief guest in Lahore.

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