Today's Paper | June 16, 2024

Published 26 Jul, 2005 12:00am

Police chief meets British Muslims

LONDON, July 25: The head of London’s Metropolitan Police held talks with British Muslim leaders on Monday to offer reassurance following the shooting dead of the Brazilian man last week.

Commissioner Sir Ian Blair met 45 leaders from the Muslim community in a hastily-arranged meeting at Scotland Yard. Although the dead man was Brazilian, Muslim leaders have expressed concern that as three of the four suicide bombers who killed 52 other people around London on July 7 were believed to be Britons of Pakistani origin, others of South Asian extraction could be targeted by the shoot-to-kill policy.

The police chief ‘gave reassurance to the community’, said Assistant Commissioner Tarique Ghaffur, the force’s highest ranking Asian officer, who chaired the meeting.

“He said the only way we are going to fight terrorism is working with the community.

“He gave a rundown of what has been happening and reiterated what he has stated publicly about the difficulties we face and the pressure we are under.

“He asked the community to set aside any differences there may be and to publicly and positively work with us.”

After the meeting, Muhammad Abdul Bari, deputy secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, the country’s main Islamic organisation, said he had raised the issue of a police shoot-to-kill policy for suspected bombers.

“He (Blair) said this action should continue,” he said.

However, he said that the meeting “went well and it was very good” to have the chance to discuss concerns. —AFP

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