Today's Paper | June 17, 2024

Published 22 Jul, 2005 12:00am

Strategic assets in safe hands: FO

ISLAMABAD, July 21: Pakistan’s nuclear programme and strategic assets are secure and under strict multi-layered custodial controls that are at par with the most stringent international systems and practices, according to a statement issued by the ministry of foreign affairs on Thursday. Criticizing remarks made by Indian Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh including those on the security of Pakistan’s nuclear programme and strategic assets, the statement said those created a misleading impression which did not conform to facts.

An elaborate command and control mechanism, institutionalized in the shape of the National Command Authority, had been in place since 2000, the statement said. The command and control system had been developed after studying similar systems elsewhere in the world, it added.

Regarding non-proliferation, the statement said, Pakistan was committed to the global non-proliferation regime of weapons of mass destruction and had lived up to its commitments in this regard.

It recalled that Pakistan was neither the first in the region to introduce nuclear weapons nor did it misuse civilian nuclear facilities to develop weapons. Similarly, it added, Pakistan was not the first to conduct nuclear tests in South Asia.

Strong command and control systems and strong exports control testified Pakistan’s resolve and commitment against WMD proliferation, the statement said.

On the issue of terrorism, it said, it was a global phenomenon which should not be used to malign Pakistan which was in the forefront of the international fight against terrorism.

International terrorism, it said, had affected many countries and had a historic background and root causes in disputes and deprivation.

Pakistan, the foreign ministry said, had done more than most countries in fighting terrorism and had been more successful in capturing and eliminating elements of Al Qaeda than all other countries combined.

Despite the high price Pakistan had to pay for it, the statement said, the commitment and determination to eliminate terrorism and extremism remained firm and strong.

Pakistan, it said, was in the business of combating terrorism and not creating conditions in which terrorism thrived, as was the position in its neighbourhood.

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