Today's Paper | June 17, 2024

Published 21 Jul, 2005 12:00am

HRCP calls into question UK move

LAHORE, July 20: The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan has questioned the wisdom of British government in seeking a solution to the problem of terrorism by calling a conference of the very forces which had played a major role in breeding and promoting militancy. Commenting on the move in a statement issued here on Wednesday HRCP secretary general Syed Iqbal Haider said it was no doubt vital to assess the strategies being adopted to combat terror and violence in the aftermath of London bombings but the British government should know that the edict (fatwa) used to instigate the suicide attacks could not be used in an attempt to counter them.

He said the HRCP had been highly impressed by the courage and calm with which the British people had dealt with the recent bombings. However, based on the detailed discussions, the HRCP had held on the issue of militancy and extremism for the last many years, it was concerned over some of the measures being adopted to tackle terrorism. The HRCP supported the ongoing efforts to investigate terrorism and identify the forces behind the militants. It, however, cautioned that the investigations should not turn into harassment as it could only contribute to the existing feelings of injustice and add to the prevailing tensions, especially among young Muslims, that had acted to spur on violence.

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