Today's Paper | June 04, 2024

Published 26 May, 2018 06:46am

‘Civilised’ nations

A FEW weeks ago, there was a news report about the alleged use of chemical weapons by Syrian forces in the rebel-held areas.

Following the attacks, which are yet to be confirmed by the United Nations, the developed and ‘civilised’ nations, especially the US, France and the UK, unilaterally retaliated against Bashar al-Assad’s forces by launching missile attacks.

What surprises the world most is that the said nations claimed they reacted to save humanity in the war-torn nation.

However, it is clear the strong nations are merely interested in serving their own vested interests.

The so-called ‘civilised’ nations remain oblivious to the plight of the Rohingya and Kashmiri people.

Besides, their love for humanity is evident from the fact that they never react against Israeli barbarism.

Abdul Hafeez Jatoi


Published in Dawn, May 26th, 2018

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