Today's Paper | June 04, 2024

Published 25 May, 2018 07:27am

S.Arabia releases three women activists

DUBAI: Saudi authorities have released three prominent women’s rights advocates following their detention in a sweeping crackdown against activists, a month before the kingdom lifts its ban on women drivers, campaigners said on Thursday.

“We can confirm the release of Aisha al-Mana, Hessa al-Sheikh and Madeha al-Ajroush, but we don’t know the conditions behind it,” said Samah Hadid, Amnesty International’s Middle East director of campaigns. “We call on Saudi authorities to release all other human rights defenders unconditionally and immediately,” she added.

The three elderly campaigners were among at least 11 activists arrested last week, mostly identified by rights groups as veteran women campaigners for the right to drive and to end the conservative Islamic country’s male guardianship system.

There was no immediate comment from Saudi officials and the fate of other detained activists remains unclear.

The released activists, including 70-year-old Mana who is said to be in frail health, are well-known for being part of a group that launched the first Saudi protest movement in 1990 for the right to drive. One other Saudi campaigner confirmed their release.

The Gulf Centre for Human Rights voiced concern that Hathloul, one of the most outspoken activists, was being held incommunicado, while other campaigners said the detainees had no access to lawyers and their whereabouts were unknown.

Published in Dawn, May 25th, 2018

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