Today's Paper | June 16, 2024

Published 03 May, 2005 12:00am

Payment to Wana militants: probe into missing millions initiated

PESHAWAR, May 2: Reports about payments made to militant commanders in the restive South Waziristan tribal region to enable them to clear debt taken from Al Qaeda are being investigated following allegations that a key contact had made off with millions, leaving a paltry sum to the end beneficiaries.

Credible sources tell Dawn that a national security agency has launched the investigation into revelations that the key contact for the five militant commanders had short-changed them.

The militant commanders who battled security forces hunting Al Qaeda in the rugged tribal region for over two years before signing peace deals have accused the go-between of having cheated them of the bulk of the money paid to them.

The allegations surfaced after Dawn in a report on February 8 quoted a senior military commander as saying that the government had paid Rs50 million to the militants to enable them to pay back the debt they claimed to have taken from Al Qaeda to finance activities against the security forces.

The militants, however, maintained that the money they had received was compensation for the damage they had suffered and denied having borrowed any money from Al Qaeda.

The once most wanted militants — Haji Sharif, Maulavi Abbas, Javed Karmazkhel, Haji Mohammad Omar and Maulavi Abdul Aziz — signed peace deals with the government in November last year, pledging to live peacefully and not to shelter foreign militants.

When details of the peace deals were made public, the government did not say that it was also secretly negotiating to pay a hefty amount of money to the five militants as a quid pro quo.

Corps Commander, Peshawar, Lt-Gen Safdar Hussain had told reporters that the militants had initially demanded Rs170 million to pay off Al Qaeda debts but later agreed to reduce their demand to Rs50 million.

Dawn’s own investigation revealed that the payments had been made in three instalments. Maulvai Abbas and Javed Karmazkhel received Rs25 million at the Governor’s House in Peshawar on November 29 last year, Haji Mohammad Omar got his share of Rs10 million on January 11 and Haji Sharif was paid Rs15 million on February 4.

The story took a new twist when at least two of the four commanders complained to the military authorities of having been short-changed by the go-between.

The Director-General of the ISPR, Maj. Gen. Shaukat Sultan, said that the army was in no way involved in making payments to the militants. “If at all anything was paid, Governor’s Fata Secretariat should be asked about it,” he said.

Brig (retd) Mahmood Shah, who relinquished the charge of Secretary Security (Fata), confirmed that the militants had complained to the military authorities as well as Fata Secretariat about having been cheated.

“I think the matter was under investigation at some level,” he told Dawn.

Javed Karmazkhel, talking to Dawn on telephone from Wana in South Waziristan, alleged that soon after their meeting at the Governor’s House, Col (retd) Inamullah Wazir, who had helped broker the peace deals, left with stacks of cash, asking them to wait at a particular place in Peshawar.

“He claimed that he had to pay others before we could get our share,” Mr Karmazkhel, who had signed the peace deal together with other militant commanders, said. “He was dropping names, big names,” Mr Karmazkhel claimed.

Col (retd) Wazir, when approached for comments on his cellphone, refused to say anything on the record.

According to Mr Karmazkhel’s version of the story, also corroborated by another commander, they were eventually paid a total of Rs4.1 million, while another Rs200,000 was paid to some tribal elders who had also played a role in the entire effort.

A hand-written receipt, a copy of which is available with Dawn, corroborates the story. The receipt, dated December 2, 2004 and signed by Col (retd) Wazir, acknowledges a payment of Rs4.1 million. “This money is for those who have suffered physical and material losses. You should distribute this money through mutual consultation,” the five line receipt reads, while giving out the names of the recipients.

Mr Karmazkhel confirmed the existence of the December 2 receipt and said that the matter was brought to the notice of the Corps Commander.

“We asked the Corps Commander to intervene and resolve this matter or else let us deal with him in accordance with our tribal customs,” he said.

“Gen Safdar promised to help recover the money. But I am surprised that the whole might of the law cannot get hold of one person and seek explanation,” Mr Karmazkhel complained.

He denied having received the money for paying off any Al Qaeda debt. “We did not demand anything. We are Pakistanis and Pakistan is our country. But our people have suffered both physical and material losses which run into millions of rupees.”

“Whoever has siphoned off that money has usurped the rights of the poor and hapless people. Allah will deal with them in His own way.”

While the mystery of the missing millions remains unsolved, one thing is clear that the militant commanders had to cut a sorry figure before their fighters and supporters who too, like their leaders, wanted to be compensated.

Sources in the tribal region tell Dawn that new lists of tribesmen are being prepared for compensation and efforts are being made to procure an additional sum to make up for the untraced money.

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