Today's Paper | June 03, 2024

Updated 23 Feb, 2017 11:13am

Govt, PTI pin hopes over SC decision on Panamagate

ISLAMABAD: Both the government and the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) entertained hopes on Wednesday that the decision handed down by the Supreme Court on the Panama Papers leaks case would be in their favour.

“The prime minister cannot be disqualified in this case because his name is not in the Panama Papers,” said Federal Minister for Capital Administration and Development Division (CADD) Tariq Fazal Chaudhry while talking to Dawn after a joint press conference with another ruling Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leader, Talal Chaudhry.

The minister claimed that his party had not considered the option of the prime minister’s ouster. He said there was no question of the prime minister’s disqualification in this case.

“We believe that the decision will be in our favour because we know that we are innocent,” said the minister earlier at the press conference.

Mr Fazal added that the prime minister himself wanted to take part in the next general elections after being cleared by the Supreme Court (SC) of corruption and money laundering charges.

“Nawaz Sharif is an innocent man and the SC will endorse his innocence again,” the minister said.

Responding to an allegation made by PTI chairman Imran Khan regarding the role of the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) and Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), the minister said that foreign investment had not been hampered because of both institutions but due to “PTI’s dharna (sit-in) politics”.

The minister said the nation was quite aware of the facts and would stand by whatever decision the apex court announced in the Panama Papers leaks case.

Mr Talal said the prime minister would be acquitted of all corruption and money laundering charges.

“It is the court of law and we hope that the decision will be taken in the light of the Constitution and not on the basis of wishes and desires of any party,” he said.

He added that no institution had unlimited powers and all institutions should work within their constitutional framework.

The other side

Accusing NAB and FBR of promoting corruption, PTI chairman Imran Khan hoped that the Panamagate case decision would be announced on Thursday.

“I pray that the case is adjudicated upon and the decision is pronounced on Thursday,” Mr Khan said in a press conference held at his residence in Banigala.

He added that the PTI would accept whatever decision was taken by the courts.

“We have complete confidence in the five-member bench of the SC and will accept any decision on the Panamagate case,” he said.

Mr Khan said “due to the Panama Papers leaks case, the entire nation has been in state of confusion for the past 10 months and the government machinery has done nothing but protect Prime Minister Sharif in this case”.

He said the PML-N government had destroyed many state institutions for the protection of the rulers and used these organisations as a tool to twist the arms of their political opponents.

“Due to corruption at NAB and FBR, foreign investment could not boost the country...it is time for NAB’s funeral as it pressurised the poor instead of laying its hands on bigwigs involved in mega corruption cases,” he said.

“State institutions such as NAB, FBR, the Election Commission of Pakistan and police have been destroyed and made subservient to the rulers. The speaker of the National Assembly has become a party to this... he does not take any action on a PTI reference against the prime minister but sends a reference against Imran Khan to the Election Commission,” Mr Khan added.

Published in Dawn, February 23rd, 2017

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