Today's Paper | June 17, 2024

Published 30 Dec, 2003 12:00am

US orders airlines to put guards on planes

WASHINGTON, Dec 29: One week after raising its terror alert level, the US government on Monday ordered foreign airlines to place armed marshals on selected flights to and from the United States in a bid to boost security and thwart attacks.

The Department of Homeland Security, which on Dec 21 raised its terror alert to the second highest level, said it remained concerned about Al-Qaeda’s desire to conduct attacks against commercial airlines within the United States.

On Monday the department issued the aviation emergency orders to further boost security on passenger and cargo aircraft flying to, from and over the United States.

When intelligence information shows signs of a potential threat on a flight the department will direct foreign carriers to place armed government law enforcement officers on particular passenger and cargo flights, or take other security steps.

“We are asking international air carriers to take this protective action as part of our ongoing effort to make air travel safe for Americans and visitors alike,” Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said in a statement.

“I have said that we will take specific steps to increase security whenever necessary, and with this action we are doing just that,” Ridge said.

The new measures go into effect immediately.

Some countries already place armed law enforcement officers on aeroplanes. The new measures give Homeland Security the authority to require armed security officers on international aircraft travelling in US airspace.—Reuters

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