Today's Paper | June 17, 2024

Published 24 Dec, 2003 12:00am

Most US Muslims oppose Bush: poll

SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 23: A poll conducted at the annual convention of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, a major American Muslim organization, indicated on Tuesday that 82 percent of the American Muslims favoured a Democratic presidential contender, Howard Dean, in next year’s presidential elections.

Only two percent favoured re-election of President George Bush, according to a poll of 800 delegates attending the convention in Long Beach, California.

During the two day convention, presidential hopefuls sent their representatives to the convention, sent video presentations and called by special phone connection, into plenary sessions to speak to Muslim attendees and their issues.

In addition, a White House representative participated in a packed plenary session entitled ‘Iraq Beyond Saddam Hussein.’

“The efforts on behalf of the White House and Democrat presidential candidates to court the Muslim vote is a clear sign that they recognize and understand our issues and that they are taking us seriously,” stated Salam Al-Marayati, executive director of MPAC.

During their phone calls candidates shared their perspectives on a range of American Muslim issues including the injustices of the Patriot Act, the Administration’s unilateral decision-making regarding Iraq, the misguided immigration registration programme, and their plans to advance a peaceful solution to the war in Iraq and the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis.

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