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Published 19 Oct, 2015 06:32am

US resolution calls for supporting democracy in Pakistan

WASHINGTON: A resolution moved in the US Congress urges American lawmakers to reaffirm their support for strengthening the democratic process in Pakistan.

The resolution, moved by Representative Sheila Jackson Lee, who co-chairs the Congressional Pakistan Caucus, and Representative Joe Pitts, also welcomes Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on his official visit to the United States, which begins on Oct 20.

The resolution expresses solidarity with the people of Pakistan in their struggle against terrorism and supports strengthening of the democratic process in the country.

It also “reaffirms friendship and strategic partnership with a democratic Pakistan”.

The resolution “encourages and supports ongoing cooperation between the United States and Pakistan in a range of areas, including security, economic development, strengthening of democratic institutions, education, and trade”.

It recognises that the people of Pakistan “have consistently aspired to democracy and rule of law”.

The resolution recognises Mr Sharif as a democratically elected leader and as “a symbol of the first successful democratic transition in Pakistani history”.

It notes that Pakistanis have been victim of attacks by Al Qaeda and other terrorist networks and more than 50,000 Pakistanis have lost their lives in these assaults.

It also notes that terrorists have targeted schools, including the Army Public School, Peshawar, where 140 schoolchildren were killed in a gruesome attack in December 2014.

According to the resolution, Pakistan has undertaken successful military operations against militants in the border areas at a huge material and human cost.

It notes that Mr Sharif is leading implementation of the National Action Plan to defeat terrorism so that all Pakistani communities, including religious and ethnic minorities, can live safely.

The resolution also recognises “tremendous opportunities” to enhance people-to-people exchanges between Pakistan and the United States through trade, education and development.

In a separate statement, a spokesman for the Pakistan Embassy in Washington said that the resolution presented an accurate picture of Pakistan’s fight against terrorism, its enormous sacrifices and its successes achieved through counter-terrorism operations.

It also “endorses the shared desire of the two countries to strengthen their ongoing bilateral cooperation in a range of areas,” the embassy said.

Published in Dawn, October 19th, 2015

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