Today's Paper | September 21, 2024

Published 22 Oct, 2003 12:00am

Afghan commander, two soldiers arrested

QUETTA, Oct 21: Pakistani border security force arrested here on Tuesday a commander of Afghan army along with two soldiers who had crossed into Pakistan illegally.

Afghan Commander Nizamuddin and two soldiers had crossed into Pakistan some days ago and after staying in Chaman, they were going back to Afghanistan.

When the border security officials asked them to show their passports and other relevant documents, they failed to produce the same. A pistol and a dagger were seized from the commander’s possession.

“We have handed over all the three Afghan armymen to the authorities concerned for more interrogation,” security officials said.

UPLIFT: Balochistan Corps Commander Lt-Gen Shahid Hamid has said the enemies who are against the development in Balochistan have acquired services of some anti-state elements to discourage foreign investment to explore oil and gas reserves of the province.

According an ISPR statement issued here on Tuesday, Gen Hamid was speaking to district coordination officers, Nazims and Naib Nazims in Gwadar, Jewani, Pasni, Turbat, Ormara and Uthal during a visit to the coastal belt.

He asserted that being rich in natural resources, Balochistan was a backward area due to a lack of exploration activities. Therefore these resources should be tapped to bring prosperity to the province and improve the life standard of the people, he added.

The corps commander stated that the federal and provincial governments had designed uplift projects to attract national and international investors to explore the resources.

“The Pakistan army, federal and provincial governments were sincere in and enthusiastic about planning more uplift schemes for Balochistan, but without the people help, these objectives could not be achieved,” said Gen Hamid.

He, without naming any particular country, alleged that enemies of Pakistan were trying to sabotage the development process in the province. “Provincial prejudice, sectarianism, tribal hatred and religious extremism are being promoted, arms and ammunition are being smuggled for terrorism and a propaganda drive is being launched against the construction of Gwadar seaport and coastal highway.”

The rights of the Balochistan people will be protected at all cost, he assured the people representatives. He also asked the people to foil the designs of the enemies.

The representatives assured their full cooperation to the corps commander in making efforts to develop the province.

INAUGURATION: City Nazim Abdul Rahim Kakar inaugurated Merck Chowk here on Tuesday at the Quetta airport road in the cantonment area.

Construction of this beautiful monument in the cantonment area was part of the government’s efforts to make the provincial capital more attractive in collaboration with private companies.

The Nazim lauded the efforts of Merck Marker, a private company, and expressed the hope that other multinational companies would also come forward to make Quetta more beautiful.

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