Today's Paper | June 10, 2024

Published 17 May, 2015 01:00am

Story time: Sister, my sister!

“YEAH, Taylor Swift is the best singer,” said Ambreen who was busy talking to her friend on the phone.

“Ambreen! Ambreen!” a voice came from the kitchen. It was her elder sister, Dania.

“Ambreen, hello? I’m talking to you, you haven’t done the dishes yet, princess?” said Dania entering into Ambreen’s room.

“What’s your problem? Can’t you be quiet for a moment?” said Ambreen to her sister angrily.

“What do you mean?” said Dania to her younger sister.

“Please, be quiet! Why you are always acting like my mother?” said Ambreen slamming the telephone.

“Ambreen, behave! I am your elder sister and what is wrong with you? Why are you being so rude?” Dania tried to reason with her younger sibling.

“Let’s just say I am ignorant and you are an angel, am I right?” said Ambreen arrogantly. “I’m sick of you! You are always acting like a boss, I hate you, really!” said Ambreen, and there was a silence... Dania stood there emotionless — the words hurt her more than any blow.

Ambreen, at the same time realised what she just said. She felt sorry as Dania made her way upstairs, crying silently. The day passed, no words were exchanged between the sister ... there was unusual silence.

The next day, at school, Ambreen could not forget what she had said to her sister and while she was thinking about it, her classmate Sharmeen entered the room crying very loudly. Everyone asked her what the matter was.

In between her sobs, Sharmeen narrated that this morning she walking to the school with her little sister when a car came rushing towards them and hit her sister. The little girl fell down and was injured, thus taken hospital where doctors said that they will try their level best to treat her but she had lost a lot of blood so her life was in danger. Our teacher then asked us to say prayers for the little girl’s recovery.

Ambreen kept thinking about that little girl whom she also knew personally as they were in the same school. Suddenly she froze with the thought that she had said very mean things to her own sister, what if something was to happen to her? She was shaken to the core of her heart with the realisation of how badly she had behaved with her sister, and seeing the love of her friend for her sibling, Ambreen realised how much she loved her own sister! Ambreen couldn’t concentrate her studies the whole day and wanted to run to her sister and apologise to her.

When the school got over, Ambreen ran home and went straight to Dania and hugged her. Without thinking further, Ambreen started, “Dania, I don’t know how to say sorry but I really feel bad about what I said and I didn’t meant it. I love you with all my heart, I was so rude. I promise I will never hurt you, please forgive me....” tears rolled down from her cheeks as she.

Dania held her hands and said “I love you, too! I knew you didn’t mean those words. I was worried for you, as I know you are an emotional person and would never hurt me but yes, let’s take it that way — a bad phase of life?” and both laughed together.

The next day, they went to meet Sharmeen’s little sister with flowers. She was better and recovering. The four girls sat laughing and chatting with each other.

This incident taught Ambreen a very useful lesson – no matter how many fights siblings have and how upset they are with each other, siblings will always love each other. No one can break this beautiful bond. And the true essence of siblings’ relation is in loving, fighting, arguing and laughing together.

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