Today's Paper | June 03, 2024

Published 23 Dec, 2014 06:20am

Two December 16s

OUR nation has seen two significant history, making days, both fall on Dec 16.

The first Dec 16, in the year 1971, was a day of despondency as it saw the end of a united Pakistan and dismemberment of the country.

After the 1971 debacle, we should have learnt a lesson from Japan. The Japanese used their national tragedy of 1945 to turn their country into one of the most advanced nations and an economic giant of the world.

The second, Dec 16, 2014, has propelled the nation onto one platform, having a single voice and the same line of thinking.

These feelings should be channeled in the right direction so that we can turn this country into a place where people can live in peace. Our leaders should take decisions in the common man’s interests and the rule of law should prevail at every tier of society.

The people should beware that nations seldom get a second chance. It is now upto us to build on the sacrifice rendered by our children and, henceforth, remember Dec 16 as Pakistan Resurgence Day.

Brig (r) Dr Iqbal Gohar


Published in Dawn December 23th , 2014

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