Today's Paper | June 03, 2024

Updated 20 Nov, 2014 10:28am

Police unsure whether to deter or facilitate PTI supporters

ISLAMABAD: There are 10 days left till Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf’s November 30 public gathering in the capital but in absence of a clear policy from the federal government, security arrangements are yet to be finalised.

They said the police remained busy holding meetings today to devise strategy but hasn’t decided so far whether to facilitate or deter participants of the public meeting.

If permission is granted to hold the gathering security will be ensured, policemen will be deployed along the checkpoints in the area, walk-through gates, metal and explosive detectors will also be put up. In case the policy is to deter the gathering containers and anti-riot gear are also ready, they said.

Read: Govt looking to frustrate PTI’s Nov 30 show

“Whether the government allows or denies permission to hold the public gathering there are several other serious concerns,” an official said.

He explained that two sides of the planned venue have been dug up for the metro bus construction and it is an unsafe place for people to gather.

“There is simply no space for more than 5,000 people,” he added.

Also read: Imran announces 'decisive war' on November 30

Officials said there are reports that PTI leadership is encouraging internally displaced people (IDPs) to join the protest providing them transportation, tents and meals.

“Their presence in the capital will force the government to redress their issues but there is simply no space for them in the red zone,” said another official.

The government has directed police and capital administration to try and convince PTI to change the venue of the public gathering, anywhere except Parade Avenue and Constitution Avenue. So far, PTI has rejected this request.

Published in Dawn, November 20th, 2014

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