Today's Paper | June 15, 2024

Published 11 Oct, 2014 03:07pm

Naomi Campbell congratulates 'Malaria' on Nobel Peace Prize

English supermodel Naomi Campbell may have helped raised awareness for Malaria when she mistakenly congratulated the mosquito-borne disease on social media for winning the Nobel Peace Prize.

The model was apparently meaning to wish Pakistani education activist Malala Yousafzai on winning the Nobel, but the message backfired when she wrote the word “malaria” instead of Malala.

Campbell had originally posted the message on her Instagram today, but it also automatically went to her Twitter account.

"Congratulations malaria on your #noblepeaceprize #2014 #Respect #joy #ithalljuststarted ❤️ http://instagram.com/p/t_-Tjlo5nw/" she wrote in the tweet.

People on social media were quick to notice the error, as "Malaria" started trending on Twitter in the UK soon after Campbell's tweet.

The model also spelled Nobel incorrectly as "noble", which appeared to be an error due to the auto-correct feature in most smartphones today.

Hours after sending the erroneous tweet, Campbell had yet to notice or correct her mistake.

Twitter exploded with jokes making fun of the mistake.

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