Today's Paper | May 22, 2024

Updated 23 May, 2014 03:25pm

Interview : Run Reehan, run!

Reehan be­came lac­tose in­tol­er­ant in his 20s, fruc­tose in­tol­er­ant in his 30s and glu­ten in­tol­er­ant in his 40s. This means that, in ef­fect, he can’t drink milk, eat most fruit or con­sume any­thing that con­tains even a tee­ny bit of wheat. If he does, he can ex­pect any­thing from bloat­ing and a se­vere­ly up­set stom­ach to even seiz­ures. “Intolerances are in­ter­re­la­ted and they prob­a­bly ex­is­ted way back; I just didn’t know,” says Reehan 43, who, de­spite these di­et­ary re­stric­tions, is a lean mean mar­a­thon run­ner.

“I used to eat a lot of junk food like ev­ery­body else, would fall ill and blame out­side food or tap wa­ter. But once when I must have had a stom­ach in­fec­tion, a cou­ple of things poin­ted to­wards lac­tose is­sues. It is hard to say wheth­er the in­fec­tion caused it or if it ex­is­ted be­fore,” he re­calls how lac­tose in­tol­er­ance trig­gered off. “That meant hav­ing no more milk or dai­ry prod­ucts.”

Some years lat­er, eat­ing fruit be­came prob­lem­at­ic. “In my case it is fruc­tose mal­ab­sorp­tion; there is a slight dif­fer­ence — mal­ab­sorp­tion is when your body can­not di­gest fruc­tose, while in­tol­er­ance, which is more se­ri­ous, is when your body pro­du­ces a re­ac­tion to fruc­tose,” which meant that he had to avoid all fruit jui­ces.

“In the US, most sug­ary drinks and sweet stuff (es­pe­cial­ly pack­aged sweet stuff) are sweet­ened with High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) which should be avoi­ded. Other sweet stuff con­tain­ing reg­u­lar sug­ar on­ly is OK; al­though, I have com­plete­ly giv­en up on sweet stuff. As for fruits, the ones to avoid are those that have a high­er per­cent­age of fruc­tose, while fruits that are low in fruc­tose and are safe to eat. Some veg­e­ta­bles too are high in fruc­tose like on­ions and as­par­a­gus.”

Gluten in­tol­er­ance hap­pened much lat­er. “Fructose and lac­tose in­tol­er­ance is quite com­mon, while glu­ten in­tol­er­ance is some­what a grey area caused by a fruc­tan in wheat that is a pol­y­mer of fruc­tose.”

Once when a cup­cake gave Reehan a ter­ri­ble re­ac­tion “I sat back and asked my­self if the joy of eat­ing that cup­cake was ac­tual­ly worth feel­ing dread­ful af­ter­wards, if I wan­ted to go through the same suf­fer­ing one more time. Of course, I didn’t. A cup­cake can feel heav­en­ly but the af­ter-ef­fects can be equal­ly ter­ri­ble and the ag­o­ny lasts a few days. Now I can walk through the bread aisle with­out be­ing temp­ted any­more. Of course, if I see glu­ten-free stuff, I’ll have that.”

Reehan learnt over the years to fig­ure out what he can eat. “Now I have elim­i­na­ted all carbs, like eat­ing break­fast mi­nus toast and Pakistani food with­out the ro­ti. I can cook de­si food with­out on­ions, but I usu­al­ly eat Thai food as it doesn’t have on­ions and rice doesn’t have glu­ten. But there are cer­tain foods that you can’t work around, like piz­za, for in­stance. Even if I sub­sti­tute with glu­ten-free flour, I can’t do much about cheese.”

His food in­tol­er­an­ces be­came an in­spi­ra­tion to learn cook­ery. “The point is to take out as many pos­i­tives as you can out of any­thing. I am the kind of per­son who re­search­es a lot on stuff that re­lates to me. I took cook­ing cour­ses and for va­ca­tions I opt for cu­li­na­ry tours. Fruit, dai­ry and bread are out for me but of­ten there are hid­den dev­ils in food like wheat in soy sauce! They have glu­ten-free meals now on flights but it could have on­ions in it so I play it safe and car­ry my own snack. The key is to al­ways have some­thing in your bag that is ready for you to eat.”

Undaunted by food is­sues, Reehan took fit­ness more se­ri­ous­ly in his mid- 20s. “I went to the gym more and rode my bike but I was fo­cused more on ex­er­cise and less on eat­ing healthy.”

His in­spi­ra­tion to run came in late 1999 when he trav­el­led to Ireland to sup­port a friend who was run­ning the Dublin Marathon. “I was amazed at what all the run­ners ac­com­plish­ed and the amount of sup­port they re­ceived along the way. I star­ted run­ning short­ly af­ter that and trained on my own, run­ning on a fair­ly reg­u­lar ba­sis and lat­er in five and 10km races.”

In 2002, Reehan ran his first Chicago Marathon. “It took me five hours to com­plete; my on­ly goal be­ing to fin­ish the mar­a­thon but I have con­tin­ued with run­ning since then.”

Without Gatorade and carbs? “Yes,” he laugh­ed. “The thing with run­ning is that any­thing more than five kil­o­me­tres, you ac­tual­ly start to burn fat or the sug­ars stor­ed in your body so when you run long dis­tan­ces, you need a high­er pro­tein and fat di­et than a high­er carb di­et and that works for your ad­vant­age.

“My run­ning and nu­tri­tion dis­ci­pline star­ted in 2010 and in 2013 I ran my best mar­a­thon to date in NYC. I fin­ish­ed in three hours and 44mi­nutes.”

That was when he un­doubt­ed­ly star­ted to see the ben­e­fits of man­ag­ing run­ning with his di­et and his mind through yo­ga, med­i­ta­tion and ac­tive­ly try­ing to re­duce stress.

Last year Reehan hel­ped raised mon­ey for Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital in New York City mar­a­thon. “There were thou­sands of peo­ple from the UK, France and India but on­ly six Pakistanis. Unfortunately there was no of­fi­cial Pakistan rep­re­sen­ta­tion, since all of the Pakistani run­ners were US/Canada res­i­dents. I vol­un­teered to be in the open­ing cer­e­mo­ny pa­rade and the of­fi­cial Pakistan flag bear­er as a way to rep­re­sent some­how. My fam­i­ly came down to watch me and car­ry­ing the Pakistani Flag was a great mo­ment for me.

When cop­ing with food in­tol­er­an­ces, the ‘peo­ple re­ac­tion’ on­ly adds to one’s chal­leng­es. “I have been told that I am a picky eat­er; I have been told that it is all in my head,” said Reehan. “What hap­pens is that peo­ple are used to the known facts, i.e. you have a stom­ach in­fec­tion so take this med­i­cine or if you have heart­burn take this med­i­cine and it will go away. The mi­nute you try to tell them that it is some­thing that is on­go­ing and can­not be trea­ted, peo­ple re­fuse to un­der­stand. Culturally, there is a home rem­e­dy for ev­ery­thing; like you should have a glass of hot milk to help you sleep; your stom­ach’s out so you should have yo­ghurt. But when your body can­not tol­er­ate some­thing, it treats that food like a for­eign body. None of those rem­edies work for in­tol­er­ance and its side-ef­fects.”

Reehan ex­plained the strong gut-mind con­nec­tion. “There are more nerve end­ings in your gut than the rest of your body so it is al­most like your sec­ond brain and hence the terms ‘gut feel­ing’ and ‘gut re­ac­tion’. When your gut is dis­rup­ted, your mind is dis­rup­ted too and you feel light-head­ed, your nerv­ous sys­tem is de­pressed, you are ir­ri­ta­ble, short tem­pered and can’t con­cen­trate. As soon as your gut clears out, you are lif­ted from your men­tal fog. You can’t ig­nore these things and it does have a long-term ef­fect on you. For your own san­i­ty, it is bet­ter to man­age what is hap­pen­ing in your gut to be able to man­age what is hap­pen­ing in your mind.”

Reehan has some tips for peo­ple with food in­tol­er­an­ces. “The first phase of re­al­is­ing your in­tol­er­ance is wor­ry­ing about what you can and can’t eat. You have to start plan­ning your meals. If you know you will have a busy day, plan out your meal. If peo­ple are or­der­ing, tell them spe­cif­i­cal­ly what to or­der for you, and let the suit­a­ble meal ar­rive for you.Timing is an­oth­er thing that is very im­por­tant. You eat when you have to eat, even if it means not wait­ing for oth­ers or an event to hap­pen. I usu­al­ly go off for my lunch if there is a fam­i­ly meet around say lunch and there is a de­lay. It took a long time and ef­fort but now peo­ple know that if I am go­ing to eat with them it has to be around a cer­tain time. In the be­gin­ning friends won’t like it and fam­i­ly will make a fuss but then they will un­der­stand that this is bet­ter for you.”

“I run 200km a month so that’s about 12km a day as I am train­ing for a mar­a­thon sched­uled in November this year.” That and plans for a cu­li­na­ry tour in Morocco for his next hol­i­day; Reehan’s got plen­ty on his plate, just not any ro­ti to go with it! n

Published in Dawn, Sunday Magazine, May 18th, 2014

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