Today's Paper | June 04, 2024

Published 31 Oct, 2013 07:56pm

Pakistan urges India to resume composite dialogue

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Thursday urged India to resume the composite dialogue for resolution of all outstanding issues including the lingering Kashmir dispute.

Foreign Office Spokesperson Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry in his weekly briefing said, “Pakistan wants resolution of Kashmir dispute through dialogue.”

“Pakistan believes that third- party mediation can also be productive in this regard,” he added referring to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s plea to the US for playing its role as a mediator.

He said prime minister's advisor on foreign affairs Sartaj Aziz will visit India on November 10 to attend the Asia-Europe summit in New Delhi.

The spokesman said Pakistan was focusing on establishing ceasefire on Line of Control (LoC) and in this regard, certain steps have been taken including communication between the two Director General Military Operations through hotline and sectoral flag march.

He said Pakistan was committed in implementing decisions taken during the meeting of both prime ministers recently in New York.

On drone attacks, the spokesperson said Islamabad has forcefully raised this issue at all international forum including the United States. He maintained that these attacks amount to violation of Pakistan's sovereignty and international laws.

Replying to a question, Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry said Pakistan released former Taliban number two Mullah Baradar to facilitate the Afghan reconciliation process.

He said Baradar was in Pakistan and was free to meet anyone.

When asked about Iran-Pakistan (IP) gas pipeline project, the spokesperson said Pakistan will pursue all the energy related projects including the gas pipeline project in view of its growing energy requirements.

Regarding Dr Shakil Afridi, Chaudhry said his fate will be decided by Pakistani courts as currently he was facing legal process. He said Pakistan has been making sincere efforts to repatriate Dr Afia Siddiqui.

On the issue of tapping Pakistani phone calls, he said Pakistan raised this issue in the United States in June and has been in touch with the US authorities. He said Pakistan deems these acts as illegal.

On a question about new Saudi policy, he said Pakistani embassy in Riyadh has done tremendous work in regularising the status of its citizens in Saudi Arabia. The FO spokesman said significant success has already been achieved and Pakistan was still committed to minimise the damage due new Saudi laws.

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