Today's Paper | June 16, 2024

Updated 21 Oct, 2013 02:54pm

Movie review: The Wolverine 3D

IF you are a fan of X-Men, then by now you must have seen The Wolverine's latest offering in which he goes to Japan, saves an heiress and returns a victor, as always. But if you aren't a fan, let me tell you, watch it and you will turn into a believer!

Hugh Jackman returns as the superhero in director James Mangold's The Wolverine that has been released in 3D, to make the man-who-doesn’t-age, seem larger than life. And yes, as the tagline suggests, when he’s most vulnerable, he’s most dangerous and here he is at his worst because he loses his special healing powers (for some time) and that does make matters worse.

The movie begins with Logan, aka Wolverine, (Hugh Jackman) being tracked by a fellow mutant who comes all the way from Tokyo to take him to her master — an old war-time acquaintance Yashida — for one last meeting. The meeting, however, changes everything and Wolverine is left to defend the granddaughter of Yashida from humans, mutants and machines!

In the process of escaping from the bad guys, Wolverine loses his biggest asset — his healing powers — and has to cope with that for most of the movie. It is as a mortal that he fights off the villains on the bullet train, which is easily the best action scene of the flick. After he regains his powers, he is lethal and uncontrollable, and that shows on screen when he takes on everyone (and everything) that comes his way!

Hugh Jackman is the star of the movie and he does justice to Wolverine in every way which he can. The supporting actresses from Japan — Tao Okamoto as the heiress and Rila Fukushima as a fellow mutant — do well, but the others fail to make their presence felt with bad acting.

The film, however, lacks action scenes and it would have been better had there been more fight sequences like the one on the train, because viewers want to see that in a movie featuring the clawed superhero! The Wolverine in 3D is a must-watch because it gives you insight ahead of the upcoming X-Men: Days of the Future Past next year, where Wolverine will join the cast as the mentor they didn’t have in X-Men: First Class!

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