Army Public School attack: Mohammad Yaseen – Age 15
Son of Mohammad Asif and Mrs Afshan Asif
Siblings: Ayesha age 7 years student, Fatma 2 years (Both children are adopted, while Yaseen was his own son)
Mohammad Yaseen was a jovial boy who always lent a sympathetic ear to others. He loved helping those less fortunate than him, and often ate lunch with domestic help and gate-keepers.
His parents talk about the horror they felt when he was kidnapped for ransom at the age of 7 and did not return home for 11 days. After that horrific indent, they never let him go out alone.
Mohammad Yaseen’s favourite past time was playing games on his laptop. He also created a Facebook page of himself, and asked his friends and cousins to like it, which he thought would make him famous.
A week prior to the APS attack, Yaseen was playing a shooting game with his cousin at home, during which he was shot in the heart and kidney. At that time, he told his mother he would receive bullets in his chest very soon. When Afshan Asif was handed her son’s body on Dec 16, he had received two bullets — one in the heart and the other in the kidney.

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