Riaz Riazuddin

Enigmatic exchange rate

Enigmatic exchange rate

Crackdown on illegal currency activities like smuggling of foreign exchange reduced pressures on the exchange rate. Updated 25 May, 2024 09:01am
Concessions, debt & reforms

Concessions, debt & reforms

Let us hope that reforms succeed in our strangely hybrid, pseudo-democratic political system. Updated 16 Apr, 2024 10:03am
Imbalance from birth

Imbalance from birth

There were 65m more men than women in the 2020 world population figure of 7.8bn. Updated 27 Jan, 2024 10:57am
Our banking ‘efficiency’

Our banking ‘efficiency’

Depositors are getting lower returns from Islamic banks compared to conventional ones. Updated 11 Nov, 2023 10:18am
Human capital development

Human capital development

It is imperative to invest more in human capital to promote growth and development in Pakistan. Updated 27 Oct, 2023 09:51am
Our trysts with IMF

Our trysts with IMF

What kind of policy actions are needed to reduce our dependency on the Fund? Updated 22 Sep, 2023 09:56am
Economic transformation

Economic transformation

What is alarming is the behaviour of long-term change in the share of industry. Updated 02 Sep, 2023 08:02am
Our anaemic exports

Our anaemic exports

Somehow our exporters haven’t captured international markets in a meaningful way. Published 03 Jun, 2023 05:59am
Our endemic inflation

Our endemic inflation

The present inflation should be analysed in the context of historical perspective. Published 20 May, 2023 06:25am
Poverty and stagflation

Poverty and stagflation

We need policies that can reduce poverty in the short, medium and long term. Published 01 Apr, 2023 05:33am
Growth & inflation statistics

Growth & inflation statistics

International best practices do not require finance ministers to govern statistical agencies. Updated 19 Jan, 2023 09:27am
Islamic banking: the challenges ahead

Islamic banking: the challenges ahead

The actual speed of Islamising the banking sector will depend on how soon or otherwise we overcome the inherent difficulties. Updated 06 Jan, 2023 08:56am
Our Dutch disease

Our Dutch disease

It is bad policies which act as a curse and constrain the realisation of benefits from resources. Updated 02 Dec, 2022 07:54am
Our industrial strength

Our industrial strength

Pakistan’s per capita use of steel is only 35kg as compared to the world average of 233kg... Published 01 Oct, 2022 06:26am
Our economic potential

Our economic potential

We are afflicted by our elites’ madness, driven as it is by high and borrowed consumption. Updated 08 Sep, 2022 09:04am
Our living standards

Our living standards

It is hardly surprising that our country is at the bottom quarter of countries in terms of health indicators. Published 18 Aug, 2022 06:24am
Our exchange rate woes

Our exchange rate woes

The political crisis is preventing the economy from healing through normal doses of price increase. Updated 06 Aug, 2022 08:47am