Neda Mulji

Employment paths

Employment paths

We can no longer afford to keep our young population out of jobs. Published 15 Jul, 2024 08:09am
Improving skills

Improving skills

The more successful teachers find motivation within themselves. Updated 06 May, 2024 06:46am
Teacher well-being

Teacher well-being

A transparent audit of stress factors is needed. Published 10 Apr, 2024 08:09am
Student motivation

Student motivation

Students don’t need to be ‘made’ to do anything. Published 12 Mar, 2024 08:15am
Let students thrive

Let students thrive

A teacher’s positivity can turn the tide towards progress. Published 19 Feb, 2024 07:38am
The missing link

The missing link

Teachers would welcome more open communication. Published 16 Jan, 2024 08:42am
Studying habits

Studying habits

Students have little agency in what they learn. Published 18 Dec, 2023 07:25am
Skills vacuum

Skills vacuum

There is a gap in the job market that cannot be filled. Published 25 Nov, 2023 07:02am
Building bridges

Building bridges

Storytelling has a powerful role in learning. Published 06 Nov, 2023 05:18am
Digital pedagogy

Digital pedagogy

For many teachers, digital tools are uncharted territory. Published 06 Oct, 2023 06:26am
Enabling our youth

Enabling our youth

Education is a hard battle for our youth for many reasons. Published 12 Aug, 2023 07:37am
Upskilling teachers

Upskilling teachers

Teachers are not taught the necessary digital skills. Published 15 Jul, 2023 07:07am
Menace of tuitions

Menace of tuitions

Tutors now function as a parallel school market. Published 11 Jun, 2023 06:48am
Reading culture

Reading culture

Books exercise and develop the mind in fascinating ways. Published 27 May, 2023 07:43am
AI in education

AI in education

Using AI in education will demand a set of requisite skills. Published 04 May, 2023 08:23am
Enhancing skills

Enhancing skills

Teachers must be able to spur the students’ curiosity. Published 15 Apr, 2023 04:57am
Higher education

Higher education

A radical new wave of disruption is needed. Published 25 Mar, 2023 07:01am
Equity in class

Equity in class

Economic disparity marginalises children. Published 27 Feb, 2023 07:05am