Nawaz verdict: Politically motivated accountability? Does NAB have credibility? Is the case airtight? Experts give their initial take on the ruling. Updated 25 Dec, 2018 12:31pm
'It's great news for the Sharifs, but it's temporary' Analysts react to Islamabad High Court's decision to suspend prison sentences against Nawaz, Maryam and Safdar. Updated 20 Sep, 2018 10:54am
The good, the bad and the uncertain of PTI's 'mini-budget' We speak to experts to get their take on the amended 2018-2019 budget. Updated 19 Sep, 2018 12:43pm
'Coming back was a political necessity': analysts react to Nawaz and Maryam's return What does the Sharifs' decision to come back mean for their and Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz's political futures? Updated 14 Jul, 2018 12:47am
'I wouldn't want my kids to see and be brutalised by it' — parents speak out against public hangings Parents from various backgrounds across Pakistan share their views on public executions and their effect on children. Updated 09 Feb, 2018 05:35pm
Tackling child sexual abuse: Awareness, identification and prevention Child sexual abuse is a critical issue that we need to be discussing in schools and at home. Updated 11 Jan, 2019 12:56pm
Female Pakistani journalists share stories of harassment at the workplace Real stories from Pakistani workplaces. The country has its own Weinsteins, men who subject women to improper advances. Published 19 Oct, 2017 05:32pm
'All I can say about Careem's rishta aunty service is: what in the world?' Here's why Careem's new 'rishta aunty' service has left so many regular customers rather perplexed. Updated 11 Aug, 2017 02:41pm
'Do you see such traits in any other public figure in Pakistan?' There's no other person in Pakistan who enjoyed the undivided adoration and respect that Abdul Sattar Edhi did. Published 08 Jul, 2017 01:33pm
'RIP Aamir Zaki, I've lost my reason to play guitar' What are your fond memories of Aamir Zaki? Share your thoughts with us at Updated 04 Jun, 2017 12:51am
Concerned US and Canadian Muslims weigh in on rising Islamophobia While Trump's ban has been rescinded and the Quebec shooter apprehended, the shock doesn't subside so easily. Updated 13 Feb, 2017 12:31pm
'I fell in love with Junaid Jamshed's voice' What are your fondest memories of Junaid Jamshed? Share your thoughts with us at Updated 15 Dec, 2016 12:50pm