Umair Javed

‘Crisis of governability’

‘Crisis of governability’

The underlying reality is that the status quo of the past few decades is proving itself to be largely unsustainable. Updated 22 Jul, 2024 08:51am
Death and taxes

Death and taxes

It is no wonder that every other conversation within the white-collar salaried class is about foreign migration. Updated 08 Jul, 2024 09:09am
Drivers of extremism

Drivers of extremism

Every case of violence will reveal actors of these three types — the ideologue, the activist, and the passive supporter. Updated 24 Jun, 2024 09:22am
NDA, not BJP

NDA, not BJP

It is worth focusing on regional variations that can help explain the overall outcome of India’s recent polls. Updated 10 Jun, 2024 10:17am
In defamation’s name

In defamation’s name

It provides yet more proof that the undergirding logic of public authority in Pakistan is legal and extra-legal coercion rather than legitimised consent. Updated 27 May, 2024 09:23am
Political capitalism

Political capitalism

Pakistani decision-makers salivate at the prospect of a one-party state but without paying attention to those additional ingredients. Updated 13 May, 2024 09:07am
Four hundred seats?

Four hundred seats?

Explanations for BJP’s rise and the reconfiguration of Indian politics offer both cultural and economic factors. Published 29 Apr, 2024 06:55am
After neoliberalism

After neoliberalism

Finally, the cultural agenda of neoliberalism is also being challenged, both in the West and abroad. Updated 15 Apr, 2024 09:48am
Fighting monopolisation

Fighting monopolisation

It is necessary to look at a significant public intervention as the response of a system weighed under a lopsided power structure. Updated 01 Apr, 2024 10:09am
Customers versus clients

Customers versus clients

There is something dystopic about the fact that two children born a few hundred metres apart can have drastically different Published 18 Mar, 2024 07:02am
Moral visions

Moral visions

In Pakistan’s current space-time configuration, the language of politics has changed dramatically. Updated 04 Mar, 2024 09:44am
Ruptures in 2024

Ruptures in 2024

It is useful to draw out some trends that emerge from these otherwise compromised polls. Updated 19 Feb, 2024 11:31am
Why vote?

Why vote?

The anonymity of the voting process is not perfect in Pakistan, but it still offers a chance for throwing up surprises. Updated 05 Feb, 2024 11:00am
The wind vs the people?

The wind vs the people?

In a lopsided playing field such as this one, what chance does an out-of-favour party have? Updated 22 Jan, 2024 10:42am
Smog season

Smog season

Given what needs to be done to clean up Pakistan’s air, the scale of the task is daunting. Updated 27 Nov, 2023 08:52am
Why we should care

Why we should care

If humiliation is to be rightly opposed in Palestine, then it can offer a lesson in opposing humiliation of people closer to home. Updated 13 Nov, 2023 09:12am
A malignant settlement

A malignant settlement

A political settlement that can produce sustained development eludes the country. Updated 30 Oct, 2023 10:01am
Regressive overlaps

Regressive overlaps

Outpouring of India's online support for Israel is the outcome of deeply entrenched anti-Muslim sentiment. Updated 16 Oct, 2023 09:09am
A long four years

A long four years

PML-N supporters appear to feel less strongly about their party than PTI supporters do about theirs. Updated 02 Oct, 2023 09:54am
Whither public service?

Whither public service?

The basic function of the state in a developing country is to provide welfare to the poorest, something that markets on their own cannot do. Updated 18 Sep, 2023 09:58am