The personal is political Anila Quayyum Agha’s work investigates the complex relationships between religion, gender and culture Updated 24 Jan, 2017 02:30pm
US Elections: What can Pakistan expect? President Hillary Clinton or President Donald Trump — both will have to deal with issues of terrorism, security Updated 08 Nov, 2016 04:02pm
Portfolio: Local yet global Adeel uz Zafar presents a commentary on shades of insanity in his first solo US show Published 17 Apr, 2016 06:49am
The miniature goes global Steeped in the past, and yet, modernist in its application, neo-miniature is the new face of Pakistani art. Published 10 Jan, 2016 07:25am
How perilous is the threat to Muslims in the US? Dr Akbar S. Ahmed comments on the existing, problematic narratives around Islam and Muslims. Published 26 Dec, 2015 11:35am
Diaspora art: Maximalist miniatures Shahzia Sikander takes miniature art form to a different dimension, both in terms of scale as well as the use of media Published 08 Nov, 2015 06:55am
Not being dead is a victory for Balochistan's journalists To say that Pakistani journalists are under attack is an understatement. Published 12 Sep, 2014 05:46pm
OBITUARY: ‘The last Pakistani living on Indian soil’ As a critic of the establishment, Singh guarded his intellectual independence Updated 20 Oct, 2014 05:14pm
People’s media Social media – platform for political discourse or another wedge between the elite and the proletariat? Updated 17 May, 2013 03:20pm
Sense and sovereignty in Kafkastan I just returned from Karachi, where the city was outraged at the unscheduled, endless power cuts. Everywhere, the... Published 21 May, 2011 09:38am