Ashraf Jehangir Qazi

More than Biden or Trump?

More than Biden or Trump?

The world’s mightiest country will be led by someone who is either “not quite there” or someone who is pathologically “reckless”. Updated 29 Jun, 2024 09:30am
Facts, questions & solutions

Facts, questions & solutions

Our currently passive and perverse political intelligentsia needs to have more integrity. Updated 22 Dec, 2023 08:48am
Zakaria, brilliant, wrong

Zakaria, brilliant, wrong

This relentless capitalist class warfare of the superrich against the poor is not reflected in Zakaria’s statistics. Updated 16 Dec, 2023 10:24am
India’s Muslim precariat

India’s Muslim precariat

Indian Muslims have only 9.5pc of India’s wealth, whereas the Hindu upper castes, with less than half the population. Updated 08 Dec, 2023 08:53am


Outrage alone delivers nothing except further frustration. Updated 04 Nov, 2023 08:37am
‘Ana Dammi Filasteeni’

‘Ana Dammi Filasteeni’

The torturer truly hates his victims because they demonstrate his base inhumanity. Updated 20 Oct, 2023 10:00am
Never despair

Never despair

History will not absolve those responsible for this betrayal of the nation. Updated 06 Oct, 2023 09:16am
A patriot turns 100

A patriot turns 100

Roedad Khan’s deep disappointment with Pakistan’s current trajectory is painful to behold. Updated 29 Sep, 2023 09:22am
Pakistan’s Afghanistan policy

Pakistan’s Afghanistan policy

Pakistan should invest diplomatically and economically in Afghanistan’s stability and prosperity. Updated 17 Aug, 2023 09:19am
Saving Pakistan

Saving Pakistan

Imran must now demonstrate he will never again be a dependent partner of the ‘establishment’. Updated 30 Mar, 2023 08:40am
The state of Pakistan

The state of Pakistan

Only answers matter, which only actions and organised movements can supply. Updated 02 Mar, 2023 09:17am
Doomsday Clock 2023

Doomsday Clock 2023

The stakes are no longer national, geopolitical or geo-economic. Published 04 Feb, 2023 06:33am
LKY on not crumbling

LKY on not crumbling

Imran's supporters are left in the lurch, scrambling for reasons to support him. Updated 18 Nov, 2022 08:51am
Imran lbw or not out?

Imran lbw or not out?

The youth of the country have never given up on Imran Khan because of their hatred of corruption. Updated 22 Oct, 2022 09:09am
‘One as beautiful as you’

‘One as beautiful as you’

Dr Humayun Khan was able to win the abiding respect and admiration of his professional adversaries. Published 30 Sep, 2022 08:48am
Deus ex machina?

Deus ex machina?

We are today reduced to being spectators of a daily puppet show in the guise of a morality play. Updated 29 Jul, 2022 09:42am