Farieha Aziz

Surveillance central

Surveillance central

National security cannot be an umbrella phrase simply thrown around, unqualified or accepted at face value. Updated 15 Jul, 2024 08:46am
The privacy myth

The privacy myth

Various filtering and surveillance technology has been purchased and put to use in Pakistan. Updated 06 Jul, 2024 09:14am
Digital policy

Digital policy

Civil society & industry have cautioned against regressive measures. Updated 13 Jan, 2024 09:39am
Peca strikes again

Peca strikes again

Journalists critical of the state have routinely been targeted. Published 28 Sep, 2023 07:19am
Project Peca III: What goes around, comes around

Project Peca III: What goes around, comes around

While political parties will always be engaged in a Game of Thrones, the collateral are journalists, academics and citizens, who never have been nor ever will be in positions of power. Published 16 Dec, 2022 01:27pm
The Peca menace

The Peca menace

Registering a case without any legal basis is easy, but closing it is not. Published 20 Oct, 2022 07:53am


Our political parties love to champion free speech as long as they are in the opposition. When in power, however, each of the... Published 14 Aug, 2022 07:12am
No transparency

No transparency

Does the government not know how rule-making is done? Published 03 Dec, 2020 07:49am
Weaponising Peca

Weaponising Peca

Acting unlawfully against citizens has been a consistent pattern. Published 25 Jun, 2020 06:35am
Online censorship

Online censorship

The government must learn rather than dictate. Published 14 Jun, 2020 06:17am
Away with the rules

Away with the rules

The rules transgress Peca and infringe on rights. Published 23 May, 2020 06:02am
Above the law

Above the law

Like the PTA, the FIA has no inherent power to investigate and prosecute offences under Peca. Updated 27 Sep, 2019 07:28am
Desperate steps

Desperate steps

Even the telecom policy reflects PECB’s controversial aims. Published 11 Feb, 2016 04:31am
Internet challenge

Internet challenge

The internet or foreign intermediaries are not PTA licensees. Published 02 Feb, 2016 02:13am
Digital rights

Digital rights

Mess with secure protocols, and say goodbye to secure browsing. Published 13 Dec, 2015 02:55am