F.H. Mughal

Seafood contaminated by plastic

The Indus River dumps 164,332 tonnes per year of plastic load into the Arabian Sea, which then persists as ... Published 16 Jul, 2018 06:57am
How heatwaves affect agriculture

How heatwaves affect agriculture

Heatwave impacts crop growth and development at different levels like root and shoot growth, photosynthesis and yield. Updated 28 May, 2018 12:20pm
Food waste and its consequences

Food waste and its consequences

AN estimated 36 million tonnes of food is wasted in Pakistan every year. This is equivalent to every citizen of... Published 12 Mar, 2018 07:12am
Development: Sanitation roadmap

Development: Sanitation roadmap

Ten years after committing to give high priority to sanitation, the government is still far from achieving the goal Published 10 Apr, 2016 06:30am