India’s Parsis grapple with tradition The Parsis may have continued endogamy to safeguard their identity but today they confront a dwindling community Published 23 Mar, 2015 07:20am
Parsis in Pakistan: Beloved but left behind Their loved ones might have migrated or passed away,but for many elderly Parsis, community is there to provide support Published 22 Mar, 2015 02:53pm
Where Jaun lives There is no poetry lovers’ gathering where Jaun Eliya is not discussed over cups of tea. Updated 12 Nov, 2014 12:54pm
Prime time: ‘Show’ing India how it’s done Pakistani television dramas from the ’80s are like a fresh breeze in the jungle of mediocre Indian television soaps. Published 13 Sep, 2014 02:34pm
Beyond borders: Chatai, chillum and chai When Nawaz Sharif went to India, he said that few countries shared these many traditional and cultural similarities.. Published 01 Jun, 2014 05:26am
A criminal campaign Amidst the anti-corruption clamour, those with criminal cases against them will likely return to the corridors of power Published 11 May, 2014 06:59am
The colour of prejudice “What makes you think you can win the fashion show?” the college professor questioned a flabbergasted Richa.... Updated 27 Oct, 2013 04:58pm