Zarrar Khuhro

Global gangsters

Global gangsters

The entire world is rotten to the core; we’re just amateurs. Published 03 Jun, 2024 07:07am
Land of opportunity

Land of opportunity

The Dubai leaks data can be the starting point for a deeper probe. Published 20 May, 2024 07:49am
Leaky buckets

Leaky buckets

Our policies are formulated by officials far removed from reality. Updated 06 May, 2024 06:46am
The aging empire

The aging empire

The US vetoes anything that goes against Israeli interests. Published 22 Apr, 2024 07:19am
Human hierarchies

Human hierarchies

There are some, mostly in the Global South, who are born to be killed. Published 08 Apr, 2024 07:03am
The TikTok problem

The TikTok problem

The hold of the Israeli lobby on US politics remains unshakeable. Published 25 Mar, 2024 05:49am
Facing the Shadow

Facing the Shadow

What Aaron Bushnell did was something else entirely. Published 11 Mar, 2024 07:47am
Pack of lies

Pack of lies

There is no proof backing Israel’s accusations. Updated 26 Feb, 2024 11:44am
Solving Sebutinde

Solving Sebutinde

One judge said that Israel did not act with genocidal intent. Published 29 Jan, 2024 07:39am
Southern promises

Southern promises

The Israeli lobby spared no effort to demonise Mandela. Updated 15 Jan, 2024 10:36am
Hide and seek

Hide and seek

The Raj was unable to unpack the ‘chapati movement’. Published 01 Jan, 2024 06:48am
Songs of slaughter

Songs of slaughter

Hate music is played to whip up supporters. Published 18 Dec, 2023 07:25am
South remembers

South remembers

South America understands the Palestinian struggle. Updated 20 Nov, 2023 09:14am
Unholy war

Unholy war

The evangelical Christians stand with Israel. Updated 06 Nov, 2023 02:13pm
Slow turn of the tide

Slow turn of the tide

The change isn’t limited to the streets and social media. Published 23 Oct, 2023 07:02am
In the middle

In the middle

The Maldives has seesawed between India and China. Published 09 Oct, 2023 08:03am
India’s overreach

India’s overreach

The thing with having your moment in the sun is that it can go to your head. Updated 25 Sep, 2023 11:31am
Unfriendly fats

Unfriendly fats

Trans-fats are found in just about everything. Published 11 Sep, 2023 07:04am