Qasim A. Moini

Karbala glimpses

Karbala glimpses

There are similarities between Karbala and Gaza. Published 17 Jul, 2024 07:01am


Managing relations with Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Iran will be a major test of diplomatic skill for the incoming government Published 11 Feb, 2024 07:49am
The Gaza inferno

The Gaza inferno

The Israeli assault on the besieged Strip eclipsed all other geopolitical events of 2023. Published 01 Jan, 2024 07:39am
The Gaza nightmare

The Gaza nightmare

Over the last month or so, one story has been dominating headlines across the world: the brutal Israeli bombardment... Updated 04 Nov, 2023 12:33pm
The ideological evolution of Hamas

The ideological evolution of Hamas

If and when Palestine achieves statehood, historians will be in a better position to judge Hamas’s contribution to the Palestinian freedom struggle. Published 20 Oct, 2023 02:48pm
Justice for all

Justice for all

The light of the Quran and Prophet (PBUH) is needed to dispel the darkness. Published 29 Sep, 2023 07:39am
Hussaini values

Hussaini values

Ashura is an ‘invitation’ to all mankind to choose the right path. Updated 29 Jul, 2023 05:05pm
Discovering Iran — the land of Islamic history

Discovering Iran — the land of Islamic history

Pakistan's western neighbour offers a window into hundreds of years of Islamic history, as well as serene spiritual moments at the holy sites in Qom and Mashhad. Published 27 Jul, 2023 11:16am
Spiritual outlook

Spiritual outlook

The Prophet (PBUH) warned mankind about the fleeting nature of the world... Published 09 Oct, 2022 07:31am
Hussain & justice

Hussain & justice

The Imam’s stand has few parallels in history. Published 09 Aug, 2022 09:55am
Tranquil hearts

Tranquil hearts

What solutions does Islam offer to deal with misfortune? Published 27 May, 2022 07:55am
The perfect man

The perfect man

Imam Husain exemplified perfection in every sense of the word. Updated 20 Aug, 2021 08:00am
Luminous examples

Luminous examples

The examples of Bibi Khadija and Imam Hasan must be followed. Published 30 Apr, 2021 07:25am
Sectarian scourge

Sectarian scourge

Zealots and troublemakers must be sidelined. Published 05 Feb, 2021 08:16am
Back to a bipolar world?

Back to a bipolar world?

The China-US relationship is like a bad marriage that must continue due to the vested – and common – interests. Updated 03 Jan, 2021 02:01am