Mohiuddin Aazim

The demon of domestic debt

The demon of domestic debt

In the last fiscal year, the government paid an estimated Rs1.3tr in capacity charges to the IPPs. Updated 22 Jul, 2024 10:17am

Finance: Troubled external economy

While exports and remittances have resumed growth, foreign investment has not yet increased sufficiently to offset the rapid outflows of profits and dividends. Published 15 Jul, 2024 09:05am
Bearing the brunt of reforms

Bearing the brunt of reforms

Electricity users being forced to pay high amounts of money for even a single unit of power used beyond each slab. Updated 08 Jul, 2024 01:54pm
Stabilising the external economy

Stabilising the external economy

The government is focused on preserving support from abroad while failing to address underlying reasons for the expanding balance. Updated 01 Jul, 2024 10:41am
Farmers deserve more

Farmers deserve more

Pakistan cannot create an exportable food surplus with modest allocations to the agriculture sector in federal and provincial budgets. Updated 24 Jun, 2024 09:30am
Rupee fluctuations inevitable

Rupee fluctuations inevitable

The size and the timing of the IMF loan, along with prospects of foreign funding by friendly countries, will decide the fate of the rupee. Published 10 Jun, 2024 08:27am
Finance: Economic challenges remain

Finance: Economic challenges remain

Regardless of the much-needed respite, Pakistan’s economy maintains a pessimistic outlook with low growth expected. Updated 27 May, 2024 03:04pm
Let’s not veil transparency

Let’s not veil transparency

Putting the economy back on the growth track is only possible if the state focuses on transparent proceedings and allows the media and judiciary to do their jobs. Updated 20 May, 2024 10:35am

Let optimism and grit prevail

Focusing on IMF-enabled short-term respite remains top-priority instead of long-term, sustainable solutions. Published 13 May, 2024 08:42am

Pakistan’s trade potential in Asia

In the last fiscal year, Pakistan’s goods exports to India and Iran totalled just $0.3m and $28,000, respectively, while exports to Afghanistan fell to $522m from $553m. Published 29 Apr, 2024 06:59am

Finance: Economy in need of sobriety

Authorities, quick to celebrate hollow victories, must wake up and deal with the realities of current law, order, governance, and economic situation to improve. Updated 22 Apr, 2024 09:27am
Boosting services exports under works

Boosting services exports under works

Faced with an alarming trade deficit of $1.9bn, the govt aims to increase ICT exports from $2.6bn to $15bn in five years. Updated 15 Apr, 2024 11:04am

Economy waiting for a push

Around 10m employable people are jobless, and the number may rise in the coming months even if the recessionary trend is reversed. Updated 08 Apr, 2024 10:13am
Helping MSMEs flourish

Helping MSMEs flourish

The lack of government effort to resolve private sector grievances has made it difficult for MSMEs to survive. Updated 01 Apr, 2024 10:20am