Israel’s Gaza invasion - Day 241

  • Israel’s 8-month siege of Gaza Strip extends to Rafah

  • Starving Palestinians surviving on less than 3pc of daily water requirements

  • ICC prosecutor seeks arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Hamas leaders

  • Biden announces ceasefire plan which Hamas has responded to “positively”

  • Israel accused of mistreating Gaza detainees in shadowy hospital in desert

Published 02 Jun, 2024 10:12pm

Maldives to ban Israelis to protest Gaza offensive

The Maldives will ban Israelis from the luxury tourist hot spot, said the office of the president, announcing a national rally in “solidarity with Palestine”, AFP reports.

President Mohamed Muizzu has “resolved to impose a ban on Israeli passports,” a spokesperson for his office said in a statement, without giving details of when the new law would take effect.

Muizzu also announced a national fundraising campaign called “Maldivians in Solidarity with Palestine”.

The Maldives had lifted a previous ban on Israeli tourists in the early 1990s and moved to restore relations in 2010. However, normalisation attempts were scuttled following the toppling of President Mohamed Nasheed in February 2012.

Published 03 Jun, 2024 08:30am

Israeli helicopters strike Gaza as mediators urge both to accept truce plan

Israel continued to bombard the Gaza Strip and battled Hamas as mediators called on both sides to agree to a truce and hostage release deal outlined by US President Joe Biden, AFP reports.

Heavy fighting flared in Gaza’s far-southern Rafah city, where Israel sent tanks and troops in early May, ignoring concerns for displaced civilians there.

The UN agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, said on Sunday all 36 of its shelters in Rafah “are now empty”, after at least a million people have fled the city.

 A Palestinian man slavages items from a waste dump atop building rubble at al-Bureij camp in the central Gaza Strip on June 2, 2024 — AFP
A Palestinian man slavages items from a waste dump atop building rubble at al-Bureij camp in the central Gaza Strip on June 2, 2024 — AFP

Witnesses said Israeli Apache helicopters struck central Rafah on Sunday, also reporting clashes there and air raids and shelling in other parts of the city. The Palestinian Red Crescent said it was “very difficult” to access Rafah because of the Israeli bombardment.

In the besieged territory’s north, Israeli helicopters fired at Gaza City’s Zeitun and Sabra areas, AFP reporters said. A hospital medic said three people were killed when an air strike hit a family apartment in Gaza City’s Daraj district.

And in central Gaza, shelling hit areas of Deir al-Balah and the Bureij and Nuseirat refugee camps, witnesses said.

Published 03 Jun, 2024 08:10am

Blinken calls top Israeli officials to discuss Gaza ceasefire deal: State Dept

The US State Department said Secretary of State Antony Blinken has called top Israeli officials to discuss a proposed deal for a truce in Gaza, AFP reports.

Blinken spoke with war cabinet minister Benny Gantz and defence minister Yoav Gallant, according to statements.

In both calls, he “commended” Israel for the proposal, which was outlined by US President Joe Biden, and said the onus was on Hamas to agree.

Published 02 Jun, 2024 11:27pm

Israel says ‘assessing alternative’ to Hamas rule in Gaza

Defence Minister Yoav Gallant said that Israel is “assessing a governing alternative” to Hamas in the Gaza Strip after the bombardment of the Palestinian fighter group ends, AFP reports.

“While we conduct our important military actions, the defence establishment is simultaneously assessing a governing alternative to Hamas,” Gallant said according to a statement from his office.

Meeting troops near the Gaza border, the minister described a “framework” that includes “isolating areas” of Gaza and clearing them of Hamas fighters, “and bringing in other forces that will enable the formation of a governing alternative”.

Gallant said that “the military operation on one hand and creating the potential for a governing alternative on the other will enable us to achieve two of the goals of this war: the removal of Hamas as a governing and military authority in Gaza, and the return of the hostages.”

“We will not accept the rule of Hamas in Gaza at any stage in any process aimed at ending the war,” he said.

Meanwhile, according to Gallant, the military operation in Rafah, launched in early May, was “progressing above and below the ground”.

Published 02 Jun, 2024 10:53pm

Netanyahu says ‘disappointed’ Biden won’t support ICC sanctions

Benjamin Netanyahu said in an interview broadcast he is “disappointed” US President Joe Biden won’t pursue sanctions against the International Criminal Court, as its prosecutor seeks arrest warrants for the Israeli prime minister, AFP reports.

Both Republicans and Democrats in the US Congress have pushed to impose sanctions on the court, though the White House has said it would block their legislation.

“The United States said that they would, in fact, in a bipartisan way, back the sanctions bill,” Netanyahu said in an interview on Sirius XM radio, which was recorded on Wednesday — before the latest Gaza truce plan emerged.

“I thought that was still the American position because there was a bipartisan consensus just a few days ago,” he said.

“Now, you say there’s a question mark. And frankly, I’m surprised and disappointed.”

Published 02 Jun, 2024 10:30pm

Israel recommends its citizens avoid to Maldives

Israel’s foreign ministry has recommended that Israeli citizens not travel to the Maldives after its government banned the entry of visitors with Israeli passports, Reuters reports.

The recommendation, the Israeli ministry said, includes Israelis with dual citizenship.

“For Israeli citizens already in the country, it is recommended to consider leaving, because if they find themselves in distress for any reason, it will be difficult for us to assist,” the ministry said in a statement.

Published 02 Jun, 2024 09:47pm

‘All eyes on Rafah,’ tens of thousands rally in Karachi

Tens of thousands of protesters packed the main road in Pakistan’s port city of Karachi to denounce the Israeli bombardment of Gaza that has killed over 36,400 people, mostly children and women, Anadolu Agency reports.

Organised by Jamaat-e-Islami (JI), the country’s mainstream religiopolitical party, and attended by thousands of women and children as well, the rally was part of the global movement “All Eyes On Rafah.”

Carrying tri-colour Palestinian flags and banners, inscribed with anti-Israel slogans, the protesters started to gather at the Sharea Faisal Road at 4pm from different parts of the city.

It was a hot day as the South Asian country has been in the grip of a severe heat wave, while protesters, many of them wearing the Palestinian scarf “keffiyeh,” kept pouring in.

“Stop Genocide in Gaza” was engraved on the main banner displayed on an overhead bridge, while another was inscribed with “Labbaik ya Aqsa” (Aqsa, we are here) and “Salute to Hamas resistance.”

Read full story here

Published 02 Jun, 2024 08:08pm

US expects Israel to accept plan to end Gaza bombardment if Hamas agrees

White House national security spokesperson John Kirby has said that if Hamas agrees to the deal to end the Gaza bombardment, the US expects Israel to also accept the plan, Reuters reports.

“This was an Israeli proposal. We have every expectation that if Hamas agrees to the proposal as was transmitted to them, an Israeli proposal then Israel would say yes,” Kirby said in an interview on ABC News’ “This Week” program.

Published 02 Jun, 2024 07:58pm

Gaza mothers search for milk as malnutrition hits

At least 32 people, many of them children, have died of malnutrition in Gaza since the fighting broke out on October 7, AFP reports.

Since then Israel’s retaliatory military campaign has killed 36,439 people in Gaza, also mostly civilians, according to the health ministry.

But aid agencies warn that the situation is even worse when it comes to children.

On Saturday, the World Health Organisation said that more than four in five children had gone a whole day without eating at least once in 72 hours.

“Children are starving,” WHO spokeswoman Margaret Harris said in a statement.

The rise in malnutrition among Gaza’s children is largely a result of humanitarian aid that enters the Palestinian territory not reaching its intended destination, aid agencies said.

Read more here.

Updated 02 Jun, 2024 08:43pm

Netanyahu is a war criminal: US Senator Bernie Sanders

US Senator Bernie Sanders has said it was “a very sad day” for the US that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was invited to address a joint meeting of the Congress.

“Netanyahu is a war criminal. I certainly will not attend,” Bernie said in a post on X.

Published 02 Jun, 2024 06:27pm

Nowhere near enough resources in Gaza, says Norwegian Refugee Council

Ahmed Bayram, spokesperson for the Norwegian Refugee Council, says they have not had “any supplies” make it through the crossings into Gaza for the past month.

“We’re relying on our ever-depleting resources on the ground. It’s nowhere near enough, [we] had big promises of more aid, for [the] safety of our aid workers which my team in Gaza describe as a big fallacy,” Bayram told Al Jazeera.

“The closure of the nine possible potential crossings is a catastrophe […] we hear on a daily basis from our teams that children are sleeping on the sands because there are no tents left, they are drinking unsafe water all day long and they are eating very very little,” he said.

Published 02 Jun, 2024 05:55pm

UAE’s president, Qatar’s emir discuss Gaza proposal

United Arab Emirates President Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan and Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani discussed in Abu Dhabi proposals for a ceasefire deal in Gaza that were laid out by US President Joe Biden, the UAE state news agency WAM reported according to Reuters.

The two leaders expressed support for all “serious initiatives and efforts” toward a lasting peace in the region, it said.

Published 02 Jun, 2024 05:23pm

Lebanon state media says two civilians killed in Israeli strike

Lebanon’s state media has reported that two civilians were killed in an Israeli strike in the south of the country, as fighting between Israel and Hezbollah intensified, AFP reports.

“Two civilians were killed in an Israeli strike that targeted their home in the village of Houla,” near the border, the National News Agency reported.

A local official told AFP that those killed were “two brothers, shepherds whose house was destroyed.”

Published 02 Jun, 2024 04:06pm

Qatar condemns Israeli plan to designate UNRWA as ‘terrorist organisation’

Qatar’s foreign ministry has condemned Israel’s move to designate the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) as a “terrorist organisation”, Al Jazeera reports.

In a statement, the ministry called on the international community to stand firm in the face of Israel’s plans to “deprive” Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the occupied West Bank of “its necessary services”.

The ministry also reiterated its full support for UNRWA.

Published 02 Jun, 2024 03:35pm

Biden’s Gaza plan ‘not a good deal’ but Israel accepts it, says Netanyahu aide

An aide to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu confirms that Israel has accepted a framework deal advanced by US President Joe Biden for winding down operations in Gaza, though he described it as flawed and in need of much more work, Reuters reports.

In an interview with Britain’s Sunday Times, Ophir Falk, chief foreign policy advisor to Netanyahu, said Biden’s proposal was “a deal we agreed to […] it’s not a good deal but we dearly want the hostages released, all of them”.

“There are a lot of details to be worked out,” he said, adding that Israeli conditions, including “the release of the hostages and the destruction of Hamas as a genocidal terrorist organisation” have not changed.

The first phase of the three-phase plan entails a truce and the return of some hostages held by Hamas, after which the sides would negotiate on an open-ended cessation of hostilities for a second phase in which remaining live captives would go free, Biden said.

Read more here.

Published 02 Jun, 2024 03:34pm

Gaza’s death toll hits 36,439: health ministry

The Gaza health ministry has said at least 36,439 people have been killed in the territory during more than seven months of fighting between Israel and Hamas, AFP reports.

The toll includes at least 60 deaths over the past 24 hours, a ministry statement said, adding that 82,627 people have been wounded in the Gaza Strip since October 7.

Published 02 Jun, 2024 03:15pm

FM Dar discusses situation in Gaza with Iranian counterpart

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar received a phone call from Acting Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri, where they discussed the ongoing situation in Gaza.

According to the Foreign Office (FO), the two “discussed the situation in Gaza and unabated Israeli atrocities there”.

Dar reiterated Pakistan’s “full support for all initiatives aimed at ending the genocide in Gaza and for humanitarian relief to the Palestinian people”, the FO said on X.

Published 02 Jun, 2024 03:10pm

Israeli forces assault motorcyclists near Jericho in West Bank

Israeli forces have assaulted motorcyclists near the Nabi Musa shrine, located southwest of Jericho in the occupied West Bank, and detained a number of them, Wafa news agency reports.

Wafa correspondent, citing eyewitnesses, reported that Israeli forces stopped a group of young men riding motorcycles in the area and brutally attacked them, resulting in injuries to two of them.

He added that the Israeli forces detained several cyclists and took them to a military checkpoint at the southern entrance of Jericho.

Nasser Anani, the director of Jericho Governmental Hospital, told Wafa that the assault resulted in injuries to two young men from the town of Hazma, who were transferred to the hospital with bruises.

Published 02 Jun, 2024 02:45pm

Israeli forces demolish Palestinian home near Bethlehem

Israeli forces have demolished a house in the village of Al-Walaja, northwest of Bethlehem, Wafa news agency reports.

According to Al Jazeera, the village of Al-Walaja is carved into hillside terraces and olive farms between the Israeli-occupied West Bank and occupied East Jerusalem.

Khader Al-Araj, the head of the Al-Walaja Village Council, reported that a large contingent of Israeli soldiers, accompanied by a military bulldozer, broke into the Ain Juwaiza neighbourhood of the village Wafa said.

They proceeded to demolish the home of Ghassan Al-Atrash, a local resident, which measured approximately 120 square meters.

 Palestinian villager Waji al-Atrash poses in front of his bulldozed house in Al-Walaja, a Palestinian village in occupied East Jerusalem on Dec 28, 2023. — AFP/File
Palestinian villager Waji al-Atrash poses in front of his bulldozed house in Al-Walaja, a Palestinian village in occupied East Jerusalem on Dec 28, 2023. — AFP/File

Updated 02 Jun, 2024 03:30pm

Israel has demolished 32pc of Gaza: Al Jazeera report

Israel has taken over some 32 per cent of Gaza’s area by “systematically demolishing neighbourhoods” to create a buffer zone and a central axis dividing it, according to Al Jazeera’s Sanad Verification Agency.

This does not include the area of the Philadelphi Corridor on Egypt’s border, which Israel declared it had taken control of on Thursday.

Sanad’s analysis of satellite imagery showed 80-90pc destruction rates in the Israel has taken.

A map constructed by Sanad shows that Gaza’s boundaries have been pushed inward and a 1.5km-wide strip that runs 6.5km across the middle in the Juhor ad-Dik area, known as the Nezarim axis.

The analysis shows that areas in the embattled and besieged strip have been “completely bulldozed and demolished” and that “removal operations took place in a regular pattern” to turn what the UN once called “danger zones” into a buffer zone.

Read more here.

Published 02 Jun, 2024 01:51pm

Top Netanyahu adviser says ‘lot of details to be worked out’ in Gaza ceasefire deal

Ophir Falk, a foreign policy adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has said a “lot of details” were yet to be worked out regarding a Gaza ceasefire deal, Al Jazeera reports.

Speaking to The Sunday Times about the latest ceasefire plan outlined by US President Joe Biden, Falk said “it’s not a good deal but we dearly want the hostages released, all of them”.

He also emphasised that reaching a permanent ceasefire — called for in the deal’s second phase — should be conditional.

“There are a lot of details to be worked out and that includes there will not be a permanent ceasefire until all our objectives are met,” said Falk.

 Demonstrators carry a placard depicting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a pro-Palestinian rally, in Istanbul, Turkiye on June 1, 2024. — Reuters
Demonstrators carry a placard depicting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a pro-Palestinian rally, in Istanbul, Turkiye on June 1, 2024. — Reuters

Published 02 Jun, 2024 01:41pm

PHOTOS: Demonstrators set fire to Israeli and US flags in Mexico

Demonstrators set fire to the flags of Israel and the US during a protest outside the US Embassy in support of Palestinians in Gaza and to condemn the Israeli airstrikes in the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah in Mexico on June 1, 2024. — Reuters
Demonstrators set fire to the flags of Israel and the US during a protest outside the US Embassy in support of Palestinians in Gaza and to condemn the Israeli airstrikes in the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah in Mexico on June 1, 2024. — Reuters

Demonstrators set fire to the flags of Israel and the US during a protest outside the US Embassy in support of Palestinians in Gaza and to condemn the Israeli airstrikes in the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah in Mexico on June 1, 2024. — Reuters
Demonstrators set fire to the flags of Israel and the US during a protest outside the US Embassy in support of Palestinians in Gaza and to condemn the Israeli airstrikes in the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah in Mexico on June 1, 2024. — Reuters

Demonstrators set fire to the flags of Israel and the US during a protest outside the US Embassy in support of Palestinians in Gaza and to condemn the Israeli airstrikes in the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah in Mexico on June 1, 2024. — Reuters
Demonstrators set fire to the flags of Israel and the US during a protest outside the US Embassy in support of Palestinians in Gaza and to condemn the Israeli airstrikes in the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah in Mexico on June 1, 2024. — Reuters