
Mawra Hocane's Sabaat will highlight the classism that exists in our society

Mawra Hocane's Sabaat will highlight the classism that exists in our society

"This was just what I needed at this stage of my career," says the Sammi actor
Updated 28 Mar, 2020

Mawra Hocane's next is a story about learning, love and loss.

Written by Kashif Anwar and directed by Shahzad Kashmiri, Sabaat is the story of a strong-headed and ambitious women’s rights activist Anaya (Mawra Hocane), a government servant’s daughter who comes from a modest background and understands the bitter truths of life.

Produced under the banner of Momina Duraid, the cast also includes Usman Mukhtar, Sarah Khan, Ameer Gilani, Seemi Raheel and Moazzam Ali Khan among others.

“These are some of her traits that I feel I have imbibed while playing her; her character is patient yet courageous as she is both docile and fierce when it comes to her family," Mawra tells Images.

“Anaya is loving but not very forgiving because of her clear distinction of right and wrong.”

According to her, it is primarily a love story between Anaya and Hassan (Gilani).

"The ups and downs they face due to their class difference makes it an emotional yet romantic ride. In addition to that, it also includes a story of two siblings and their rivalry. It’s about their love and obsession for each other. Sarah Khan plays Hassan's sister and she has done a terrific job."

"It also touches upon the prevalent classism in our society as well as how uncomfortable it is for women to study at universities and work at offices in the face of everyday harassment, both verbal and physical. Usman Mukhtar plays a very vital role in our story. His track touches upon prevalent mental health issues; it is a story that is reflective of the society we live in."

She adds, "It is an entertaining drama and not a sermon so the messages are intricately placed throughout the project. Being a part of Sabaat has been a very fulfilling and rejuvenating experience. This was just what I needed at this stage in my career. My character has impacted me hugely on a personal level so I am hoping that it will impact the viewers as well."

Chatting about his experience, Mukhtar reveals, "I play the role of a psychiatrist. Shahzad is such a wonderful director who spoils you. You can share notes with him, he works with you on scenes which a lot of other directors don't. The team, everyone from the actors to the spot boys, was amazing."

Gilani also shared, "I learnt a lot playing Hassan. He's extremely competitive, wants to be number one. There were different layers to his character and it was difficult to play but I hope I did it justice. It's a contemporary story and I think most people will be able to relate to it."

The serial will go on air tomorrow night, 29 March at 8 pm on Hum TV. Till then, we're listening to the title track by Ali Sethi on repeat:


Big John Mar 28, 2020 07:33pm
Some will always be better educated and have more money than others.
RationalBabu Mar 29, 2020 01:30am
@Big John but classism and casteism will unfortunately always remain in our DNA - although most of us tend to deny it!
Bunny response Mar 29, 2020 02:24am
@Big John: Yes--regardless of economic systems.
Hamid Shafiq Mar 29, 2020 02:25am
Same old story nothing new
Helping Hands Mar 29, 2020 01:27pm
Not Mawra, please. A stronger cast would have driven the point home more.
Laila Mar 30, 2020 12:04am
Another drama which just conveniently uses rights activist to further yet another tale of domestic issues. Why not make a drama featuring a strong female character who is fierce in her role as an rights activist and takes on the system? No, I get it. It's obviously more important keep the masses ignorant and indoctrinated with the same old stories. Never anything groundbreaking or challenging of the prevailing norms and system. We wouldn't want society to change or improve now would we?