
Angeline Malik is starring in a Hollywood movie about forced child marriages

Angeline Malik is starring in a Hollywood movie about forced child marriages

The actor will play a mother who has to follow the custom of vani to protect her family.
18 Dec, 2019

Angeline Malik has always been vocal about child abuse and now she's raising awareness about it on an international platform.

The actor/director is set to star in a Hollywood production which will highlight the prevalence of forced child marriages.

Speaking to Images, she revealed that "the film is based on the concept of vani or swara."

"It is a custom - still found in parts of Pakistan - where girls, often minors, are given in marriage or servitude to an aggrieved family as compensation to end disputes, often murder. Vani is a form of arranged or forced child marriage and the result of punishment decided by a council of tribal elders named jirga. It is tied to blood feuds among the different tribes and clans."

She added, "The laws have declared this practice to be illegal but the custom still continues."

The yet to be titled flick will be produced by Pakistani American Faran Tahir, who is known to many for his role in Iron Man. We're guessing the actor will also have a role to play in the movie. Other producers include Gumm duo Ammar Lasani and Kanza Zia along with writer Randy Zuniga.

About her character, Malik shared, "I play a mother that has no choice but to follow that custom to protect her family."

There is no release date for the movie yet.


Parvez Dec 18, 2019 03:16pm
Raising an awareness on an important subject ..... well done.
Bhaijan Dec 18, 2019 05:48pm
Good job.